
Midlife crisis: it was one of the new insights

Manchen portrays the midlife crisis as a grassroots crisis. Experts have developed, with welchen Kompetenzen Menschen gut durch die Umbruchszeit der Lebensmitte gelangen

There are some of the most valuable works: The poet Dante Alighieri described the mittleren Lebensjahre as the Hölle, there will be in the “Göttlichen Komödie” the Metaphor a dunklen Waldes, in that respect certainly. A final Vorstellung. Under the psychoanalytic CG Jung’s summary, that man could not follow the model of the first life in the second phase of life, but also struggled with a new direction. Viele Menschen schlittern in dies gewaltigen Ombruchphase in Krisen: Sie verlassen ihre Family, schmeißen the Job of suchen with young Partners a new Lifespfad.