
“Forcieren de Holzbau” – Die Neue Südtiroler Tageszeitung

“Forcieren de Holzbau” – Die Neue Südtiroler Tageszeitung

“Forcieren de Holzbau” – Die Neue Südtiroler Tageszeitung

Photo: IDM

South Tyrol informs about the Wood Construction Advantages: A delegation from South Tyrol is informed about a Fachexkursion that was previously involved in Tyrol.

Building with Holz is climate-friendly and environmentally beautiful. Deshalb Südtirol will launch the Climate Plan 2040 in Holzbau in the country.

It is a matter of time, which is attractive and attractive for the construction of these substances, which can be used to complete the learning/activities of one of the Fachexkursion nach Tirol.

IDM Südtirol has a community with the Initiative ProRamus representatives of Industry and Crafts, Politics and Administration as well as Architects and Planners for this journey. If you don’t know if there is a new Wood Construction project in Innsbruck and Natters, it is a bit of an expert/income for the East.

“Wood is a particularly interesting building material, which is not only environmentally friendly, but also CO2-Speicher functions. Gleichzeitig is a local source, which has its local wertschöpfung in South Tyrol maßgeblich beiträgt. That is all good green, because of the natural environment and the openness of the environment, who will be well informed about the Climate Plan 2040, according to Ulli Mair, the government for housing, which is part of the Fa hrt night Tirol begleitete, about über Vorteile and Herausforderungen des Bauens with Holz in detail.

“In Tyrol, the Anteil an Häusern, which is made with the Rohstoff Holz, is located at 30 Perzent. Therefore, for a very interesting person, the model that the region knows. With the help of this external auditing organization, some of our reference studies and our experts/experts can look into the details”, says Vera Leonardelli, Director Business Development of IDM.

Man will go through the innovative program of the joint holzwirtschaft.

If it is one of the sick, the Arbeitsgruppe ProRamus is carrying out the IDM coordination. This Südtirol-weite Initiative is being established with the Holzwirtschaft as a strategic sector and networks the activities of the industry. Zahlreiche Mitglieder der Arbeitsgruppe was bei der Studienreise mit dabei, die in Rahmen des Interreg-Projektes Italia – Österreich INNO.CIRCLE für Innovationen für Kreislaufwirtschaft von der Europäischen Union.

In a new art form from Holz and Stahl the “DAS RAIQA” is depicted.

The Raiffeisen-Landesbank building in Innsbruck is no longer a bank, but offers a better view of hotels, art spaces and event locations and a city garden, a co-working space, shops and gastronomy in the mountains. The family started with the four men until the new Obergeschoss from the Baustoff Holz, and black according to a concept, the architectural law “Build the (Im) Possible” with the first place was designed. There are new solutions for building geothermal and photovoltaic energy, which are energy-automatic and have neutralized critical criteria.

Rund 2,000 Cubic meters Holz-stecken in eight-stöckigen Neubau of the Zentrale der Tiroler Versicherung, ebenfalls in der Innsbrucker Innenstadt beheimatet.

Focuses on the first Holzhochhaus Innsbruck with the begrünter Fassade. The history of construction began because the domestic Baustoff-Holz has developed, but we have also fallen into the operation in the construction phase Advantages have: While the Holzbau construction was reduced enormously, the world would probably pay much less attention to the work progress and the value creation remained in the region. For the abatement of the inner city, the green façade with a surface of 220 square meters would be added, so there are 625 square meters of green surfaces on the roof gardens and 13 trees in the courtyard. According to the estimates of the planners, moist wood construction and plants would produce around 2,000 tons and CO2 were bundled in the new Central – the purpose of your conversation and CO2the 1,000th Mittelklasse-Wagen in one year.

An insulting Bürokonzept knows the new Sitz from the international Trekking and Abenteuerreiseveranstalter ASI Reisen in Natters.

The idea in the Planung war, in the quadruple wooden buildings, the working culture of the company and his commitment to sustainable trekking pleasure for traveling on the goose world wider mirrors. Combine with a building block of a holistic building block with solid wooden elements, a material that is optimized and the building block is affected.

A method of Holzschutzes originating from Japan has disappeared, the front was closed by the light trade and held back by the machine, but it was a further war. If an estimate is made here, the heat can be heated during a limitation with Pflanzen. The logical processing of the business activities ensures an optimal and efficient energy management.

Photo(s): © and/oder/mit © Archiv Die Neue Südtiroler Tageszeitung GmbH (sofern kein Hinweis vorhanden)