
The fruit is a practical home

The fruit is a practical home

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The fruit is a practical home
Chestnut is optimal as a Hausmittel. © blickwinkel/Imago

Chestnuts lie in the herb überall herum. I believe that the fruit is optimal as a household appliance – both for muscle tension and for cold.

Dortmund – I have fallen from the Chestnuts of the Trees and offer a reshaping possibility, the calm Jahreszeit-gemütlicher to shapes. There are traditional Bastel-Ideen-cabinets that can be used practically in the home, especially for the restoration of warm water banks. These do-it-yourself projects are not very friendly, cost-saving and easy to realize.

Chestnuts in the herbs: This fruit is a practical home

Cupboards are no longer herb fruit, but a regenerating source of heat. The storage of heat and the fact that they were on the way, was ideal for the pampering in the heat power.

Once you have found the fruit in the pillow of the food, soda is a positive effect if you eat several times. Gleiches gilded for the tradition of Kirschkern- or Getreidekissen, which are made by Einsatz bowls.

The Warmth improves the Durchblutung and führt of a besseren Sauerstoff- und Nährstoffversorgung, erklärt Dr. med. Martin Weigl, Leiter des Fachgebiets “Physikalische und Rehabilitative Medizin” at LMU Klinikum Munich. “It is amazing that the elasticity and strength of the muscle mass and the dry work are warm and it is all exciting“, it is true BR An.

Wärmekissen from Kastanien selber machen: Alternative zum Kirschkernkissen is more favorable

Unlike chestnut – a maroon embarrassment – ​​the secret Rosskastanie is not for the Verzehr-geeignet. If you feel perfect for creative projects. The DIY blogs „Hey Hanse“ see a „handicraft culture“ appear once, who can repair a chestnut heating pad themselves.

Chestnut Brown, Hot Drinks
In castles it is a cost-saving heat recovery. © blickwinkel/F. Hecker/Imago

Dafür benötigen Verbraucher follows Zutaten:

  • Rosskastanien (Menge je nach Größe des Kissens)
  • Alter Kissenbezug (idealweise mit Reißverschluss)
  • Optional: Fabric scraps for a decorative shell

Kastanien-Wärmekissen selber machen: Anleitung in 6 SchRITten

From August to October, Rosskastanien costs for a Kastanienbäumen may be incurred. You will be happy with the results, now you can enjoy the fresh open air or the experiences of the basic pieces of their own.

More themes in the fall

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The chestnut brown crops are washed thoroughly and are washed in large quantities. Everywhere, the moisture of the passing and the chestnut in the kissenbezug stops working. Once it is so far, a decorative garment can be taken out of the fabric, a pillow that is answered by the figure.

Make sure the chestnuts are filled in the pillow. If you do not do it anymore, it is a party that the Chestnut moves your body and hides the warm atmosphere. After the Kissens version is used, the Hausmittel is fruitful (more Lifehacks at RUHR24).

Kastanien-Wärmekissen erhitzen: Finger away from the Mikrowelle

When it’s warm, it can be about 70 degrees Celsius in the back for a minute. Hersteller von herkömmlichen Kirschkernkissen empfehlen auch erwärmung in der Mikrowelle. Jedoch rät das Institut für Schadenverhütung und Schadenforschung (IFS) gegenüber dem NDR davon ab.

If the microwave is in the material, it can get warm, so that a core or chestnut water can be heated. I think the fall can cause a Glimbrand, but we will see how it will go.

The Chestnut Cushions are no longer a stimulant, but there are a cost-saving alternative to herkömmlichen heat packs. If the word is a large mixture of the cores, it is a ganze Weile. Chestnuts find their herbs in large quantities under the trees.