
Ukraine-Krieg – Selenskyj in the US affected

Ukraine-Krieg – Selenskyj in the US affected

Ukraine-Krieg – Selenskyj in the US affected

Der Ukrainian President Selenskyj (Archivbild) (photo alliance / dpa / Andreas Arnold)

Dort will be one of the UNO-Generalversammlung teilnehmen and am Rande Gespräche with Staats- and Regierungschefs führen, including with Bundeskanzler Scholz. Am Donnerstag with Selenskyj of US President Biden in the Weißen Haus empfangen. Planted as a hit with the Stellvertreterin Harris, who will appear for the Democrats as a presidential candidate, he will go with the Republican Bewerber Trump.

Selenskyj said in one of the smooth video broadcasts that the state design for the Sieg lands was in the Russian Angriffskrieges-presentieren. Dieser Herbst was separated. If you with your partner make the position of Ukraine so strong, it is not that one of the most delicious dishes you eat are fried. – The fact is that Selensky does not succeed in fighting the Ukrainian army in the western United States, that is, the Russian Staatsgebiet is useless. Bisher lehnen the US and most other Unterstützerländer die ab.

This target date was sent on the Deutschlandfunk program on 23.09.2024.