
Neuer Landschaftspark – Offizieller Baustart der Landesgartenschau 2027 in Neustadt – Panorama

Neuer Landschaftspark – Offizieller Baustart der Landesgartenschau 2027 in Neustadt – Panorama

Neustadt/Weinstraße (dpa/lrs) – With a symbolic Baumpflanzung zum Baubeginn der Landesgartenschau 2027, the project in Neustadt an der Weinstraße heute (3 p.m.) will be in the next phase. Dazu became another Prime Minister Alexander Schweitzer (SPD) and Landeswirtschaftsministerin Daniela Schmitt (FDP) erwartet. In the municipalities of Monaten, the foundations for the new landscape park were purchased on 25 hectares of land. This is the area’s annual Baureste find on offer. I planted another generation of Bach’s plants a year ago.

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