
Time plan ends – Gaubitsch: Kindergartenumbau is in the final phase

“The care and maintenance of children at the Kindergarten since they are active at the time of the day, the opening day is worth taking a closer look at who is planted on November 24th,” says citizen Franz Popp (ÖVP). The nevertheless non-business workers are 300 quadratmeters large in size in the end phase, because of the decision of the community in a new situation for the future of the project.

Malerarbeiten, Küche incl. Industriegeschirrspüler, Bodenlegerarbeiten, Schlosserrbeiten, Möbel, een Schließsystem und verschiedene Tischlerarbeiten met een Gesamtwert von 208,728 Euro wurden einzeln einstimmiglig. “Für Angebote haben wir more Firmen geschrieben, leader haben in den mens Fallen nur bis three Firmen replied”, message from the Bürgermeister. De Aufträge wurden nach intensen Nachverhandlungen and de jeweiligen Billigstbieter übergeben.

In detail: The new group works as a group from the country, no favors and would be used as a grandchild group for two three-party groups.

Gaubitsch Kindergarten

A new garden house and a children’s room have been set up for the nursery school.

Frans Popp

During the conversion, there is a new entrance area, an office for the nursery school teacher, and an Aufenthaltsraum is a new type of movement space.

The existing kitchen would be extended, for the new group space new furniture would be and for the existing rooms for the part new furniture would be purchased. Interior, exterior and fences can become new or difficult. Ebenfalls new shape in the outdoor area. A necessary mill space and a garden house with roof would be wrong.

Neue Radwege in the Gemeinde area

At the market of the Dorferneuerungsvereines the community is in the near future intensively busy with the redevelopment and new shape, a gut and a better way to enter communally oriented roads. Ideas, the setzeskonform and vom Land NÖ genehmigt werden, must be collected in advance.

When it is time, the Güterweg goes to the Radwegbenützbar, for the financial and leading position of the Gemeinde. A one-sided Radwegbeschildering in the country of a country and ask for no one who has a different thought and for the Radtourism is a better basis.