
Psychology: With that trick you work on other intelligent people

Psychology: With that trick you work on other intelligent people

Wer das tut, go over the first intelligent Eindruck

Psychology: Two women understand themselves

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The first endpoint can make a big difference. This trick will work on other skills.

During the summer party, on a date or in Club, Bar and Co., a positive ending can lead to other people in the hinterland, can occur in many contexts. Was but vermittelt een positive in Eindruck? I am essential, so the Harvard professor Amy Cuddy, two things: Trustworthiness and Competence (more about this you learn in our article “In response to these two questions other people turn to”). Competence again confuse the masters with cognitive knowledge, especially intelligence. And be that as it may, on other people in the Rahmen can be performed an intelligent interaction with the American-American University Harvard and Wharton in the following experiment.

Versuch says: Wer um Rat fragt, wirkt intelligent

The research elements, studying this fall, should solve several thinking tasks in different pairs. A part of the research begins with the research, it is all an upward phase in the performance turn, and also upward direction in the direction of the solutions. The other parts can be worthwhile, if they are separated, but ultimately a partner in power. All research elements can be distinguished in the interaction in their tandem for one of three options:

  • You can enjoy your life with: “Hey, are you able to have a rat?”
  • Sie konnten ihrem Gegenüber etwas Nettes sagen: “Hey, I’m happy, you have an abgeschnitten.”
  • You can’t read it.

During the study, when the time comes for a Leistung turn, it will probably be the first time that you are your partner in a Mithilfe. If there was war, the team thought I thought it would be very bad to let go of the correct and be useless by your verfügbare sources. With others of the study group, who exercise their power for eight hours at the end of their lives, it is so that we have more and more difficulty doing so. There are many people and competent people and people who recognize their disinterested brands.

It is also interesting to see that the added view is a nicer view. Darin sollten si nämlich ihre jeweiligen Partner:innen tusseneilen. Is it interesting and intelligent? What more do you want? Jene Studierenden, who has been given a rat, can be German: if you have fragmented a higher intelligence as jenen, who is so neutral or friendly – ​​you can get one of the most competent people out of the underlying wool.

Was this an idea: general sympathy or a positive self-image?

The researchers believe that behind this fragment a typical human sense of belonging is established: Most people hold themselves at least as capable of relative knowledge and competence (studying at an American university probably something more than others). If you think you are fragmenting a human or a rat, this person must be a clever way – especially one who can take this person in his value. It is one of the most conceivable things, that people have, who ask a rat, when it comes to an issue, we will get a good feeling: the feeling, will be used and respected to be. The power is sympathetic and if a sympathizer of a person changes, he is positive and woolly.

When the experiment came out of the experiment, it could be carried out in the social situation: the damage is not, if other people have a rat, Help or are innocent bitten. I can do it so that I end up at the final destination, with underlying welds, and an intelligent ershinen welds. Vermutlich is always given to instability, in which ​​combination we can fragment around the rat, to create an intelligent final impulse. In the experiment it is about a full-fledged solution. If a person participates in a Belgian city trip, the woman would have an uninterested image of the image, that is an abuse of power.

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