
Guldsmeden Hotels auf Wachstumskurs –

Guldsmeden Hotels auf Wachstumskurs –

The Hotelgruppe has 25 years Bestehen. A highlight in the anniversary year: the Eröffnung of the John & Will Silo-Hotels. I have an interview message with the owner of Marc Weinert about another message sent.

By Stefanie Hütz

Top hotel: Herr Weinert, a four-year-old hunter is now located in the Eröffnung Ihres ersten Boutique-Hotels in Aarhus zurück.

Marc Weinert: Yes, on July 3, 1999, the birthday of my wife, we opened our first small hotel. At the time we knew nothing about the hotel business. Sandra was a designer at Lego, and a self-confident architect with her own construction companies. You may be aware that you have committed a targeted attack.

What is the Gründungshaus in Aarhus?

In 2008 came one of the first ideas, which was sold. Although it is not even a natural hotel, but it is a great shame: if 28 Zimmern deals with a small hotel in the smallest hotel, these people could get personal belongings and they could stay in the top of Copenhagen.

View your favorite hotels, a luxury resort and a villa. Was it possible to meet the requirements and criteria that you set for your hotel location?

It can be an urban location. Hauptsächlich stops with Ausschau after the existence of existing hotels, and with its shine, if we find historical Bauten, which transform and with their charming charm can be transformed. Our Viersternehotel „Bryggen Guldsmeden“ is located in one of the first shoe sole factory. If you are looking for the next way: wiederverwendung statt Abriss and Neuaufbau.

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    Swimming pool in Manon les Suites


    Ein Hauch von Bali in Copenhagen: The Fünfsternehotel Manon les Suites with seinem Innenpool in green Dschungel-Ambiente.

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    © John & Will Silo-Hotel

    In 1999, Marc Weinert and his wife Sandra founded the first Hotel der Marke Guldsmeden in Aarhus, Germany.

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    Open area in Bryggen Guldesmeden


    Urban Eco Resort: Das Viersternehotel Bryggen Guldsmeden is located in one of the most evil Schuh-sohlenfabrik in Copenhagener Stadtteil Islands Brygge.

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    Front facade of the John&Will Silo Hotel

    © John & Will Silo-Hotel

    From Kellogg’s-Getreidesilo zum Hotel met halbrunden Zimmern: Das Anfang August has found a new John & Will Silo-Hotel by Guldsmeden in Bremen.

Was power the attraction of the Guldsmeden Hotels?

Our Heritage factors are our individual designs, we can follow our consistent design and not the free atmosphere, the art, that our guests will enjoy.

Who brings the Guldsmeden-Spirit stand- and landderbergreifend in the Häuser?

We travel fell and polluted a single stand. For the Gestaltung warfare in verantwoordwortlich. Investigate either to an interior design. If you notice the problem, bring your sight to a thing, that will be a glücklicherweise in diesel directional glances.

Viele Ihrer Häuser has Balinese components, with the Manon les Suites in Copenhagen featuring its Innenpool met Dschungel-Ambiente. Was this the background?

To begin with, our handwriting was inspired by a Nordic and French-inspired country house style. Then you need a friend who uses a small mobile factory on the Indonesian island of Java. Travel together to Bali and a resort where you can relax. Considering that, you only need a local partner in Bali and foreign objects, you can act very freely there. There are limitations. New ideas and ideas are one of the most common in Europe. There have been many studies in Bali – a great deal of inspiration came from Dort. Our guests are advised to return or short an art teacher in order to take on new gems and sculptures.

Would you like to visit more hotels?

The relationship is about 50:50. I found the item. It is not possible to make a purchase or a precious prize. Letztlich tells that you can ask a question about an unordered role. If the employee works in another company, the work is done in another. You can also connect Miete with someone else or with others.

“Our plan is to have one of our best hotels in major cities in Germany.”

Who is the project of John & Will Silo-Hotels in Bremen?

You can find a financial partner in Guldsmeden Hotels weiterzuentwickeln. Klaus Meier, who helped the Bremer project manager Klaus Meier, has no financial vision and a vision, but one of the high costs of financing it. If wind power companies made a huge profit, there was a technical scope involved. We can immediately propose, work together. Klaus Meier started with 50 percent interest at our best hotel Hotel Lulu Guldsmeden in Berlin, with one of his first projects in the project John & Will Silo-Hotel. If you have only started in one of the construction phases of the project, you cannot develop all possible designs and ideas from the Guldsmeden spirit. It was a fact that the Gestaltung formed a prelude, as far as we are concerned.

Would you like to see more expansion plans?

Our plan is one of the best hotels in big cities in Germany – Germany is a natural expansion market for a Dane. Together with Klaus Meier has received a gerade in Hamburg and became a hotel, das Cara Guldsmeden with 203 Zimmern, a machine.

Auch in Scandinavia is active: Ebenfalls gemeinsam with Klaus Meier is working on a holiday resort on the Dänischen Insel Rømø. 2026 We will return to 215 Zimmern nach Aarhus zurück. Centrally located in the harbor, our first new construction projects will be realized here, which will be strictly monitored. If the material is no longer in the kitchen for eight weeks, it is not child labor or social care that is prohibited. Ein Traum wäre, in Stockholm we would like to see you again and again in Copenhagen, Oslo and Reykjavik in all four Scandinavian metropolises. But in Stockholm it is easy to find a suitable solution.

Guldsmeden Hotels

Founded in 1999 by the couple Sandra and Marc Weinert in Aarhus, Germany, in the first Guldsmeden Hotel, located on Straße Guldsmedgade. Heute zählen zum Portfolio Neun Häuser – in Copenhagen (5), Oslo, Reykjavik, Berlin and Bremen, including their own restaurants, a Mietvilla in Menton/France and a luxury resort in Ubud, Bali. Three of the Copenhagen hotels share the name of the Kinder der Gründer. Von Anbeginn is an integral part of the Konzept-Bestandteil der Guldsmeden Hotels.

The Mission-lautet, an Aufenthalt with a more extensive and minimal protection of the contents, can help the guests for a few days in the umpteenth practical application. Some of the Häuser are Green-Globe- and/or Green-Key-certified. The Sustainable Management Plan can be placed on the website.