
Platz 1 is astounding: This is the healthy life of the world

Platz 1 is astounding: This is the healthy life of the world

Chinese cabbage landed on the spot two of the healthiest Gemüse sorts. This fine Gemüse is not easily digestible, but one of the most important ingredients. Schon a portion of 100 grams in a quartet of vitamin C spoil. Make sure that the China-Kohler has a high temperature and a low weight and that the amino acids are filled.

Mangelwurzel on the Platz drei der sunken Lebensmittel – Spinach on the Platz: Grünes Blattgemüse is no longer lecker, but it is not that good. Kein Wunder also, he is on the list of the best life forms of the world, wherever he is. If we look further at the Mangold, it is worth buying the Top Ten on the Platz and expelling the spider on the Platz.

Other types of gemstones are listed. So siege the Blätter der Roten Beete Platz four, followed by Chicorée, Blattsalat, Petersilie, Römersalat and Blattkohl. In the Top 20 you will find a lot of different types of peppers, schnittlauch, vegetables, broccoli and herbs. We would also like to be able to enjoy it, so that we can enjoy it as much as we can.