
Anleger in Habachtstellung: ATX Prime zum Handelsstart zwischen den Vorzeichen | 23.09.24

Anleger in Habachtstellung: ATX Prime zum Handelsstart zwischen den Vorzeichen | 23.09.24

The positive Entwicklungen vom Vortag setzen sich am Montag fort.

The ATX Prime wins in the Wiener Börse-Handel at 09:12 Uhr 0.00 Prozent auf 1 806.40 Punkte. Zum Start des Montagshandels standen Verluste von 0.065 Prozent auf 1 805.24 Punkte an der Kurstafel, nach 1 806.41 Punkten am Vortag.

The ATX Prime is based on a price of 1,802.70 units, which is the highest standard of drilling barometers at 1,811.23.

So I think the ATX Prime will start at the beginning of the year

On 23-08-2024 you went to the ATX Prime on Monday at 1,845.58 points. For three months of the Wiener Börse-Handel wechenendbedingt. On the previous Trading Day, June 21, 2024, the ATX Prime was at 1,800.69 Punkten. For a year of business of the Wiener Börse-Handel living contract. The ATX Prime is on the previous Trading Day, 22.09.2023, at 1 596.24 Punkten.

Seit Anfang des Years 2024 stieg der Index bereits um 5.39 Prozent. The ATX Prime mark may be higher than 1 889.08 for a few years. At 1,664.49 Zählern were hinged for the yearly shipping.

It’s a winner and a winner in ATX Prime

Among the strong Einzelwerten in ATX Prime you will find IMMOFINANZ (+ 2.12 Prozent to 24.05 EUR), Mayr-Melnhof Karton (+ 0.81 Prozent to 87.00 EUR), Kapsch TrafficCom (+ 0.79 Prozent to 7 .70 EUR), Addiko Bank (+ 0.63 Prozent at 16.10 EUR) and AMAG (+ 0.42 Prozent at 23.90 EUR). Unter Druck stehen im ATX Prime derweil Frequentis (-2.68 Prozent at 25.40 EUR), FACC (-1.23 Prozent at 6.40 EUR), PORR (-1.12 Prozent at 14.08 EUR), Palfinger (-0.68 Prozent at EUR 22.00) and STRABAG SE (-0.64 Prozent at EUR 38.70).

Click on the ATX Prime: Trading Volumes and Market Cap

We conclude the IMMOFINANZ action of the largest trading volume in ATX Prime. 184 483 Aktien wurden zurdetzt an der Heimatbörse. I am ATX Prime Minister of the Verbund-Aktie with a market capitalization of 25,205 billion. Euro den largest Börsenwert aus.

ATX Prime foundations in Blick

The last part of the current sale (KGV) in the ATX Prime hat in those years with FactSet estimate the Raiffeisen-Aktie inne. Here comes a KGV of 2.80 out. The OMV-Aktie started in 2024 with FactSet estimate with 11.95 percent of the highest dividends in the display of others in the index.

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