
How asteroids behave

How asteroids behave

There is a blast from an asteroid that brings the first dominant disruption. Ließe sich abwehren der Brocken? Start by starting a part of a double mission.

From 2023 DW, 2004 BL86, 2014 JO25 or 2009 JF1. Kaum jemand knows his names. Little wonder, most asteroids rauschen weitfernt von der Erde through the world. But manche kommen unserem blauen Planets are not fun.

There is a twin glimpse of humanity. Could the apocalyptic science fiction vision in Hollywood in the catastrophic films “Armageddon” (1998) or “Deep Impact” (1998) have become reality?

“Hera” nimmt Kurs auf Dimorphos

Mittlerweile is an Asteroiden-Abwehr that is no longer science fiction. Legally aware and potenziell for the future asteroids could be abgelenkt with a slight impact on the future of the railway, and the experts are satisfied.

Asteroids from All is not more than a few hours out of time for man, nor for the years. Who after a Greek Gottin benannte Mission “Hera” of the European Space Agency This is the task that is carried out. Start with the dying in October.

“Hera” has a room with laser and radar base systems and signs, which generate smaller satellites, CubeSats, from one of the countries where it is located. Photo: Imago/Depositphotos
Damit sollen die Ausmaße des Einschlagskraters von “Dart” anyway Masse and Dichte, Oberfläche, mineralische Zusammensetzung and Struktur von Dimorphos were unteruchted. Photo: Imago/Depositphotos
The NASA probe “Dart” Schlug 2022 will land in the smaller part of the Doppel-Asteroids Didymos/Dimorphos. Photo: Imago/Depositphotos

„Hera“ was the first to turn on the probe „Dart“ of the American NASA space agency on Dimorphos, the smaller part of a double asteroid, directed hat. Who sees the round 160 meter long Brocken now? How is a crater, what is deformed? How heavy is it?

“These questions have been answered ‚Hera’”, explains the Asteroid expert Detlef Koschny, professor for Lunar and Planetary Exploration at the Technical University of Munich. The mission is an important step towards the theme planet distribution.

Info: What are Asteroids?

Asteroids are small planets – so-called planetoids – with a diameter of from our meters to more than a hundred kilometers, it is a moving probe, larger as a meteoroid and smaller as a hovering planet.

If the Entstehung makes our Sonnensystems use of Brocken, it is still not possible to appear in the Erdatmosphäre rasen and as Sternschnuppen in the Nachtelijke verglühen.

Asteroids from the darkness and the infinite world of the world are a powerful killer for everything that lives on the earth. Although from a few meters large they can cause immense damage.

The railway changed at the same time

When the mission of the US Space Agency NASA and the European Space Agency carries out the NASA probe “Dart” (Double Asteroid Redirection Test/Doppel-Asteroiden Umleitungs-Test) in September 2022, it will be carried out with a run of 6.6 kilometers per section in the reduction of the Doppel-Asteroiden Didymos/Dimorphos ein.

During the implementation of “Dart” the Asteroid Umlaufbahn is used. Photo: Imago/Depositphotos

The Einschlag changed messbar the Umlaufbahn von Dimorphos – an art world of the larger Asteroiden Didymos. “It was said that the railway would eventually be affected by the consequences of asteroid changes,” says Koschny.

“If you throw a new life into the air, in the direction of power, one of the planetoids will be an asteroid shield,” while the Einschlag of Nasa occurred.

Verheerende Einschläge aus dem All

Who sees large Asteroids, will see a larger part of the development of Planets. Large Asteroids can be one of the possibilities to put life on the Earth, so who knows the wires.

So war is an etwa of 10 to 15 kilometers larger Asteroid, of the Aussterben der Dinosaurier for a cattle 65 Millions of years. Moreover, even the smallest amount of damage could be caused by the bricks and all the immense damage.

On June 30, 1908, an asteroid in the Tunguska region of Siberia created an uninhabited area 2000 square kilometers away. Photo: Imago/Gemini Collection

Vermutlich war is an asteroid of a large Swiss 40 and 50 meters, on June 30, 1908 in the Tunguska region in Siberia, around 2000 quadratkilometers of uninhabited area destroyed. The pressure well of the explosion destroyed millions of trees in Tunguska, on one surface quickly as large as the Saarland.

Wappnen gegen die great Gefahr

It is only possible to use woolen Nasa and Esa if they are armed. “Hera” will come from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on October 7 and will launch a Falcon-9 rocket from his private space tunnel company SpaceX. The space probe with the scientific investigation will begin 26 months later.

“We are prepared for each month,” said the Leader of the Esa-Kontrollzentrums, Simon Plum, about starting with. „We would like to know that we have a good view, so we know that we can help you with it.” Vom Kontrollzentrum in Darmstadt are those who support Esa-Missionen auch “Hera”.

“Hera” will launch from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on October 7, launching a Falcon 9 rocket from its private space flight company SpaceX. Photo: NASA/AP/Bill Ingalls/dpa

„Hera“ has a room with laser and radar bassier system and board changed, generating a small satellite, CubeSats, of one of the countries there. Damit sollen die Ausmaße des Einschlagskraters sowie Masse and Dichte, Oberfläche, mineralische Zusammensetzung and Struktur von Dimorphos unteruchted.

It will be increasingly time to open the Brocken

“Around 1.3 million asteroids have been discovered with good railway information. This is a message from Esa Chief Coordinator for the Asteroidenabwehr, Richard Moissl. The space assets are a new standard deck, which shows a number of new star systems with the Asteroids Dinkinesh with a double mouth. Most of the asteroids have been found in the main building of Mars and Jupiter.

“Für und die Erdbahn kreuzenden Asteroiden von besonderem Interesse”, erläutert Moisslüber sogenannte Neo (Near-Earth Objects). Most of all, it is spoken by a man who considers the collision of one of a million or more to be of little importance.

Nächste Mission schon in Vorbereitung

ESA’s Weltraumsicherheit program in Darmstadt is preparing a new Asteroid mission: “Ramses” (Rapid Apophis Mission for Space Safety) will launch the Asteroid Apophis in 2029 during an emergency visit.

The 350-meter-wide asteroid Apophis appeared on April 13, 2029 (3D concept image). Photo: © NASA/Jonathan Männel

Der Brocken with a size of beef 375 meters will be delivered after 13. April 2029 in an Entfernung von nur 32 000 Kilometers an der Erde vorbeifliegen. That is in Weltall-Maßstäben sehr nah. Der Mond ist im Mittel etwa 380,000 Kilometer von der Erde entfernt.

There is a hit of an Asteroids that is getting bigger on the Earth experts that will have catastrophic consequences. For comparison: In February 2013, a 20 meter larger asteroid exploded above the million city of Tscheljabinsk. During the Druckwelle period of 1500 people were injured, especially by the split Fensterglas.