
TIP orders 150 Volvo FH Aero

TIP orders 150 Volvo FH Aero

Volvo Trucks reports to the Order of 150 Vehicles in the Vehicles of IAA Transportation by the Nutzfahrzeugvermieter TIP Trailer Services Germany. At 150 Fahrzeugen you are trading with a Volvo FH 500 Aero 4×2 Sattelzugmaschinen with Turbo Compound 13 Liter Engine.

Aerodynamics Lkw-Fahrerhaus

For years, Volvo Trucks has had a model-long bot with the Aero variants offered. The front of the vehicle houses was compared to normal Volvo FH with a 24 Zentimeter extension. The aerodynamic Lkw-Fahrerhaus ensures a lighter Kraftstofverbrauch which ensures a stable Fahrstabilitätät in wind.

“The new Volvo FH Aero was an ideal Fuhrpark experience. If you have more certainty, it is possible that you use the powerful Kraftstoffeffizienz-überzeugt. With those modern modern Lkw could with our expert and expert tenants and rentable rental offers,” comments Oliver Bange, Geschäftsführer TIP Trailer Services Germany, at the Kauf der Sattelzugmaschinen. TIP have 1600 Volvo Trucks in signal transport fleet, with electric models.

Read more about the product range, the Volvo Trucks at the IAA presentation hat, here.