
This also applies to ESA, which protects Earth from asteroid collisions

This also applies to ESA, which protects Earth from asteroid collisions

“Hera” was one of the darts of the US-Raumfahrtagentur Nasa aimed at Dimorphos, the smaller part of a Doppel-Asteroiden, aimed hat.


Asteroids from all over the world are no more than a few hours out of time, nor years ahead of man. “Hera” will now protect the Earth.

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  • The ESA mission “Hera” will carry out the NASA missions of the probe “Dart” on the asteroid Dimorphos, a knowledge of the planet’s planetary exploration.
  • The end result of the “Dart” that had followed the Umlaufbahn of the Asteroids changes was also the Schritt zum Schutz der Erde for potential Asteroids-Kollisionen gilded.
  • The ESA factory will be delivered to the next mission “Ramses”, which will be launched in 2029 by the Asteroids Apophis after the Vorbeiflugs have been carried out and there are no more.

Was in Hollywood blockbusters with «Armageddon» action-packed science fiction war, the imagination of which became possible. The next Greek mission is a mission «Hera» of the European Raumfahrtagentur This will be a beitrag – starts so in October.

“Hera” was one of the arrows of the US-Raumfahrtagentur Nasa on Dimorphos, the smaller part of a Doppel-Asteroiden, directed hat. Who sees the round 160 meter long Brocken now? How is a crater, what is deformed? Who is heavy? «These questions with «Hera» beans», said the asteroid expert Detlef Koschny, Professor for Lunar and Planetary Exploration at the Technical University of Munich. The mission is an important step towards the theme planet distribution.

«Dart» (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) started in November 2021 and in September 2022 with a wind speed of 6.6 kilometers for following the asteroid force. The Einschlag changed especially the Umlaufbahn von Dimorphos – an art world of the large asteroid Didymos. “Damn, it is a fact that the Bahn eventually ends up in collisionskurs in exploring asteroids,” said Koschny.

“If we fly into a new world of humanity, while power can exist, an asteroid will be an asteroid shield,” as far as NASA’s Einschlag is concerned.

Wappnen gegen die great Gefahr

Who sees large Asteroids, will see a greater part of the development of Planets. So gilded a Hit for 66 million years as the main responsible for the Extinction of Dinosaurs.

It is only possible to use wool Nasa and Esa if they are armed. “Hera” will come from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on October 7 and will launch a Falcon-9 rocket with private space tunnel operators SpaceX. The space probe with the scientific investigation will begin 26 months later.

“To start a month from now,” said Simon Plum, the leader of the ESA control center, to go to Start. “If it is a good road and a clear view, it will be so that it is possible that it will happen.” From the control center in the German city of Darmstadt, the most ESA missions are also controlled by “Hera”.

“Hera” has a room with laser and radar based Messsysteme and Bord verschied, which generates a small satellite, CubeSats, of one of the countries he is looking for. Damit sollen die Ausmasse des Einschlagskraters sowie Masse und Dichte, Oberfläche, mineralische Zusammensetzung und Struktur von Dimorphos unteruchted.

Nächste Mission schon in Vorbereitung

ESA’s Weltraumsicherheit program in Darmstadt is preparing a new Asteroid mission: «Ramses» (Rapid Apophis Mission for Space Safety) will launch the Asteroid Apophis in 2029 during the future. Der Brocken met een Grösse von round 375 Metern wird nach Esa-Angaben am 13. April 2029 in een Entfernung von nur 32.000 Kilometern an der Erde vorbeifliegen. It is located in Weltall-Massstäben nah – der Mond ist im Mittel etwa 380.000 Kilometer von der Erde entfernt.

There is a blast of an asteroid that is bigger than the first expert who will give a catastrophic sequel. For comparison: In February 2013, a 20-meter larger asteroid exploded above the Russian city of Chelyabinsk. During the Druckwelle period of 1500 people were injured, mainly by the split Fensterglas.

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