
Those were the credible summer travel souls

Those were the credible summer travel souls

The Reise-Boom stopped one. I am looking forward to a summer of major changes in the book on the Corona level. Viele Urlauber is seen in the South – as well as in Norway.

Were in Diesem Summer a Urlaub bei Dertour buchte, journeyed for all in that Turkish. “Everyone has set their sights on this credible holiday destination,” says Product Manager Sven Schikarsky. For families, it’s quickly time to get things done. The industry benefits from the Germans’ wanderlust: from June to September, a man has been awarded a guest rating of 18 percent for a year in the Vergleich zum Vorsommer.

Let me the Guestbook after Unternehmensangaben in etwa more on the Vor-Corona-Level. For a strong mortgage, the insolvency of the travel insurance companies of the FTI has been arranged, these are. FTI, a German German Veranstalter after Tui and Dertour, has hired Anfang Juni Insolvenz and listed all possible travel plans.

Profitable travel organization of FTI-Pleite

Also at Garden Brummtetzt das Geschäft – der Weltgrößte Reisekonzern sprach von einem Record quarter. After the FTI Pleite, the man for the 75,000 future health benefits will be purchased. We don’t believe in this: the Türkei. Antalya habe Mallorca vom ersten Platz der gefragstenen Destination gestoßen.

Neben der Türkei gehörten zu den beliebspelen Reisezielen auf der Kurz- und Mittelstrecke bei Dertour Spanien (Platz zwei), Griechenland (Platz three) as well as Egypt and Italy (their places are fun). Den Vierten Platz has Germany proudly cope with the sunken question. The basis for the guest flow inland has been the bad weather, as Schikarsky. “The severe consequences of climate change and relationship cooled the temperature in June, which is probably the guest for a healthier feeling.”

Die beliebtests Reiseziele in Deutschland

But we are still in summer 2024 for a holiday in Germany and we will travel all night Bavaria. If you look at the Urlaub hat shown here, the hat is in the southern Bundesland aufinhoudn. There is a representative of Yougov’s representative of the Consumer Panel Service GfK. The fragmentation would take place in the Auftrag des Handelsverbandes Deutschland (HDE).

After Bayern follows Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (11 Prozent), Baden-Württemberg and North Rhine-Westphalia (jeweils 10), Lower Saxony and Schleswig-Holstein (9). Knapp de Hälfte der Verbraucher in Deutschland ist der Umfrage zufolge in diesem Sommer veristen. Jeder Dritte davon Powerful Urlaub innerhalb der Bundesrepublik.

Sommerurlaub inland with a Wirtschaftsfaktor

People I Northern Germany Holiday has been given power, time has Yougov bevorzugt am Meer, een der Küste or een insel tweedehands. In the South it falls in the mountains. The best art of the travel war of the family (37 Perzent) for the beach and bather holiday (28), the city (26) and the wanderlaub (21). More facts were here possible.

After all, the people who live in Germany are surrounded by summer in their own country five billion euros im a retail trade. The best way to get acquainted with food and drinks, choose leisure activities and souvenirs in restaurants. “Der Inlandstourismus kurbelt die Umsätze im Einzelhandel an. Urlaubszeit is schließlich auch Einkaufszeit”, says HDE-Hauptgeschäftsführer Stefan Genth. Summer in one’s own country is a more important economic factor.

Fernreisen and “Coolcation” in Trend

If Urlaub has a small lust for his own home, it is in the Ferne. Dertour verzeichnete nach eigenen Angaben einen Gastezuwachs von 37 Prozent auf der Fernstrecke. “See the United Arab Emirate or the Indian Ocean as a special festival established by the Greats among the Summer Souls,” says Schikarsky. The most likely American and Canadian trips are still visible.

This is one of the ways in which the Hitze has a new trend: the “Coolcation”. It is a combination of a combination of the English words “cool” (German: kalt) and “Vacation” (German: Urlaub). Difficult travel for many Germans during the summer in the South, but always more tourists in the more popular regions. Laut Dertour were die Scandinavian Länder im Summer 2024 stärker gefragt; in particular Norway. dpa