
unspecified Symptom says it is so

unspecified Symptom says it is so

  1. bgland24-de
  2. Health

Obwohl Herzinfarkte bei Frauen weniger häufig auftreten, verlaufen these nicht selten tödlich. The Anzeichen are no longer separated from the men.

If you are suffering from a heart attack, it comes down to finding a man in sin, who stops abruptly for Schmerzen. If you are aware of these phenomena, while in the Australian army is a symptom, this is not the case. Men can often undergo a heart attack during the intensive schweißausbrüche. Women who had made an unspecific analysis, which had received a wrong interpretation, was not so good, the heart attack had not ended so long ago. “A heart attack somehow increases the manner of women. However, the heart attack is also heard by women to the greatest mortal dangers”, explains Prof. Dr. med. Christiane Tiefenbacher, Cardiologist and Member of the Scientific Committee of the German Heart Foundation.

First report of this news could come with an unspecific signal

Frau mit Schmerzen im Oberbauch
If women have a heart attack, the symptoms will stop – eight of Schmerzen in Oberbauch or in Rücken. © Dreamstime/2242323/Image

Today, over 300,000 people in Germany are experiencing a revival, so that Deutsche Zentrum für Herz-Kreislauf-Forschung e. V. For comparison: The number of Schlaganfall patients is quickly at 200,000 per year. The warning signs for a renewed warning are often unnoticed, because the symptoms can vary.

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Heart attack symptom in women different from men

Typical analyses of a heart attack in women are:

  • Sickness in the upper grades
  • Back pain
  • Victory with loss
  • Strong Müdigkeit beziehungsweise Schwäche
  • Kiefer, Nackenoder Halsschmerzen
  • Filled with water in the chest
  • Schmerzen or Ziehen in one or both arms
  • Strong brevity
  • Point
  • Well-being
  • Swiss bridge

The most serious symptom occurs in both the classical angina pectoris, der Borstschmerz. Women have an alternative than men, such as men, an unspecific description of oberbauchschmerzen, a bell or an unclear issue.

It is typical that there is a problem with the crust falling out. If there is a ‘heart attack’, this can also cause only one symptom, which can quickly affect women.

This treatment contains all the information about your physical health and should not provide for self-diagnosis, self-treatment or self-medication. No doctor’s advice is required. Individual excerpts from the Krankheitsbildern would be done by a non-editorial team.