
50 Old and Youngtimers in Odenwald: Rallye von Rotary für Soziales

50 Old and Youngtimers in Odenwald: Rallye von Rotary für Soziales

A “wonderful sunny day” was praised by Kim Roether from the Rotary Club Heilbronn-Unterland during the 11th Charity Rally in the Odenwald. Beim Start am Heilbronner Bildungscampus-Garden spoke to Oberbürgermeister and Schirmherr Harry Mergel: “We won for all social projects, Danes der Erlös die Rallye zugute kommt.“ I am the best on the Marktplatz Stadtbesucher who run 50 Old- and Youngtimer. On the Strecke gab es Wertungsprüfungen, Markus Lindenthal and Ilka Sch in a Porsche 911 from 1969. The 1957 Daimler Benz 300 SC Coupé with Georg Blank and Edith Wiedenmann won as “Best of Show” during the presentation at Kim Roether’s “fantastic Helferteam” from Rotary and its partners, as well as the Sponsors: “Viele Räder grifen ineinander.” For Platinum sponsor Audi wrote Audi-Werkleiter Fred Schulze: “Für Audi as one of the largest workers in the region is a Herzensangelegenheit, social projects and caritative Einrichtungen zu unterstützen.” An Audi 50 from 1975 with. As the situation arises: Aus den Teilnehmern has become a Charity-Rallye-Familie. A man knows himself, a man laughs at the other. There was interest in the 12. Rallye 2025.