
Pop-Up High Time Festival in Essen – Ruhr Area – Nachrichten

Pop-Up High Time Festival in Essen – Ruhr Area – Nachrichten

Ein Hauch von Las Vegas is Samstag über de Zeche Zollverein in Essen. Besucher kannten einfach mal heiraten. Spontaneously, I would like Brautkleid or ohne – dafür mit Gottes Segen. It is a concept by Segen45, one Start up of the Evangelical Church. There are 100 heirs pairs.

It’s a problem and it’s an unconventional thing.
Marcel Schmelz, Bräutigam

Uncomplicated heat

Romantic Music and Blumenschmuck überall. The Organizers walk the Gelände in an Ort der Liebe. Samt riesigem LOVE-Script for the high-speed photos for the Doppelbock, the Wahrzeichen des Bergbaus. Viele kamen kurzentschlossen. “It is possible to listen to the radio on the radio and then work in automatic mode once.“, says a couple.

Mit Familie or ohne, in white or single in Jeansjack. Everything is possible and free of charge. Around 30 parish women, parish priests and official preachers are ready for a feierliche Trauung. If there were a few wars going on, then the official ones were the most exalted.

Ja-Wort is ungewöhnlichen Ort

In the Kohlenwäsche, on the Mannschaftsbrücke or in Birkenwald – Das Weltkulturerbe bot außergewöhnliche Locations for the Yes-Word.It is a problem and it is an unconventional thing. That is not the case. In the church it is good to sit, it is not like that anymore. It may be that you want to see something smaller.”, erzählt Marcel Schmelz, from Jenny das Ja-Wort gab.

Einfach in der Art heiraten ist keine standesamtliche Trauung. In der Zeremonie the Liebe kirchlich would have been segnet.

Our sources:

This message about the WDR appeared on 23.09.2024 in Fernsehen in the local time of the Ruhr area.