
Readers respond: New PPS rule ensures inclusivity

Readers respond: New PPS rule ensures inclusivity

Teachers are vital to the growth of a healthy, educated society. In addition to teaching facts, good teachers also teach students how to think independently and how to develop tools for evaluating the news and media they read and hear outside of school.

Praise for Portland Public Schools’ administrative directive that restricts individual teachers from expressing personal beliefs or their own political views in the classroom. The ruling ensures sensitivity and inclusivity of all students, regardless of their race, gender identity or political beliefs (“Portland Public Schools Quietly Adopts Rule Banning Teachers from Displaying ‘Political or Personal’ Expressions in Class,” Sept. 12).

The PPS rule is an affirmation of the importance that teachers play in the lives of students. Teachers have access to young minds; good teachers do not abuse that power. Instead, they teach facts, which may include explaining different perspectives on the subject being taught.

Teachers who take a political or personal stance in their classrooms may convey incomplete or incorrect information to gullible young children. They may also subtly threaten older students who recognize the teachers’ ability to judge them unfairly if they question what the teacher is teaching them. This is unethical and unprofessional.

Teachers are individuals. Outside of school, they are free to advocate for what they believe. In school, we must separate personal views from the professional mission.

Sherry Scheinman, Portland

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