
Brandenburg-Wahl erhöht Druck auf Ampel im Bund

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Brandenburg-Wahl erhöht Druck auf Ampel im Bund

Current on 23.09.2024 – 15:43 UhrReading time: 4 min.

Nach der Landtagswahl in BrandenburgEnlargement of the imagesFDP Chief Lindner hat after the Brandenburg-Wahl not laughing. (Quelle: Anna Ross/dpa/dpa-bilder)

The Wahljahr war of 2024 for the Ampel a small catastrophe. Viel Harmonie is no longer in the Coalition – then the Mahnung: Jetzt is not hiding.

One of the most important FDP, one of the SPD and the largest group: the Wahl in Brandenburg, which the Ampel-schüttelt. Before all the disastrous Abschneiden of the FDP could support the Federal Police, nor a refusal of the consequences thereof. On day then the FDP chief Christian Lindner deutlich the Press at his coalition partner SPD and Grüne. Would you like to use a “Herbst der Entscheidungen”?

A year before the Bundestag decision, the Ampel Parties must pull out all the stops to solve problems. Never again has the Union consulted Friedrich Merz in the financing of Chancellor candidates – who in the SPD-zweifel won a neuten Candidacy from Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

The Wahltag in Brandenburg was for two of the three Ampel-Partners who were also involved in the disaster: The Grünen von Vizekanzler Robert Habeck flew with 4.1 Prozent from the Landtag. Lindner’s FDP was scored with 0.8 percent under “Sonstige”. Selbst der Wahlsieg der SPD hat een beige schmack: Viele Stimmen bekam sie wohl nur, weil de Brandenburger a Triumph der AfD prevent wollen.

In Berlin we will wait for the Zweifel, with Scholz” Regierung bis zum Bundestagswahltermin on 28. September 2025 hält. Grünen-Chef Omid Nouripour glaubt jedenfalls nicht an mehr Harmonie in der Koalition. “Der große Feng-Shui-Moment wird wohl nicht more kommen and that’s what I don’t care about anymore, I’m used to that.”

Nach der Landtagswahl in BrandenburgEnlargement of the images
Ernüchtert: Grünen-Chef Nouripour glaubt nicht more an Harmonie in der Ampel. (Quelle: Anna Ross/dpa/dpa-bilder)

The Greens are part of the coalition agreement – “but that is the case.” “I’m not one of them, in this coalition there were more emotions, but we still had some ambitious aspirations, the land was still alive,” said Nouripour.

Lindner blamed the Zustand der Ampel for the bad annoyance of the FDP leader. It has won “in Wahrheit there are few state activists, democratic parties”, as there are. The Ampel must be nice in the Wirtschaftspolitik, at the Haushalt and during a control of the Zuwanderung. “Das sind die Fragen, die in diesem Herbst was clear.” The Minister of Finance has submitted a report on the Weihnachten.

FDP Vice President Wolfgang Kubicki has neither given the government organization a Wahlabend nor an ultimatum for the lost fundamental problems in economic and migration policy: “An entanglement, it will be one of the next 14 days, this week a multiplication of the results will take place Nenner If you find another power for the free democrats, it is so that the coalition comes again with due regard to the demands at “Welt TV”.

Above all the Bund with the Greens the FDP and its Wähler are “poisonous”. There “do not believe that with the current performance this coalition Christmas will still be possible.” With interest an interesting interview with Kubicki in the “Deutschlandfunk” would be erwartet. It is a great moderator who has had a conversation and has a group that is not present.

So Lindner has no idea who Kubicki is. If the Frage nach Hinweisen auf een Ende der Koalition, antwortete der 45-Jährige, er is nicht zu diesen Hinweisgebern: “Das tue ich nicht.”

In this “Herbst der Entscheidungen” it became so that the Ampel found the Kraft, a Haushalt zu beschließen, der meer tuesday for Bildung, voor Sicherheit, voor de Investitionen in Infrastrukturen, der aber die Bürgerinnen und Bürger unter dem Strich entlaste en dabei de make sure you get to Schuldenbremse final stop. It is a fact that the FDP has left the coalition.

SPD chief Lars Klingbeil was the liberals, not shying away from accountability. “We have lived and lived in a Job in that country,” it says. It is important that the Rental Package is decided upon, which means a higher rate and the Retung Tausender Industriearbeitsplätze.

Nach der Landtagswahl in Brandenburg - SPDEnlargement of the images
“Clear Haltung, Kampfgeist”, that will be Klingbeil von Wahlsieger Woidke abschauen. (Quelle: Kay Nietfeld/dpa/dpa-bilder)