
First Class Title at DOWATEK HardEnduroSeries Germany!

First Class Title at DOWATEK HardEnduroSeries Germany!

Hannemann with Hardenduro Sieg in Meltewitz: The DOWATEK HardEnduroSeries Germany 2024 bleibt weiterhin in a Wunderkiste with many crossings at the Läufen…

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The first time we went to the races, when Fynn Hannemann gave the Zusage zur Teilnahme gegeben. During the 2023 war festival in the series, we go to the classic enduro and can play the first competitions with the juniors in the German enduro competition. Charlie Frost falls again after the war; the British king will not share any deadlines.

Both of them are able to make quick adjustments. It’s hot, hot and cold. Dennoch was a hard enduro abstract that mirrors the character of the Melz Exdrähm broader.

Fakten, MelzExdraehm Meltewitz 22.09.2024

Weather: 23 degrees, Sunday

ACE Bikes Prolog Award Sieger: Henry Strauss (KTM)

Siege: Fynn Hannemann

Fastest Race Run:Fynn Hannemann (BETA) , 25:54,433

Strauss with Kracher Zeit and ACE Bikes Prolog Award

With one of the most recent news, Henry Strauss has won the ACE Bikes Prolog Award. The following 110 components are planning to follow the DOWATEK driver. Charlie Frost and Leon Hentschel also did not make it to the Zeit Heran. Erst Fynn Hannemann did it, closer to come, but he felt even more like a second on Strauss.

Scary Duelle in Final

Those who continue the year must have the MelzExdraehm at the distance of 3 studens ausgetragen. Jeweils 4 Teilnehmer starts on the stretch in 1 minute. Bereits in Runde 1 entwickelten sich an der Spitze enge Duelle. Fynn Hannemann was able to get his speed out of the Enduro DM nut and set it up continuously. There is a place where you can’t find any Hardenduro Sieg at all. Dahinter is a jedoch enge Duelle between Strauss, Hentschel and Frost. Rad and Rad inheritance will be safe for the Soul Durchfahrt, both of them Strauss the two Platz for Hentschel and Frost.

Before the final of Henry Strauss took place on 6 points for Hentschel. In Schwepnitz nevertheless everything is offensive to the general public.

Previous class title

In the class there are some title separations. So Leon Hentschel (Pro), Henry Strauss (Juniors) and Eva Täuber (Ladies) could secure the title. You can make profit on the Absage of the Konkurrentin Mara Franke. It is a matter of fun with the amateurs, where Christiaan van de Berg another Fahrer has made a hole in the ground, so who with the seniors, where René Jerbach has made a 3rd time on 6 points by Andreas Pieper.

The steps for the final skiing in Schwepnitz have been since October 5, 2024. In Schwepnitz you will find the big festival of the Meisterehrung, so that the Race Party statt.

Current information about DOWATEK HardEnduroSeries Germany can be found at and in social media.

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PA: DG Design, Photos: Michel238pic/Michel Kuchel, GrenzNic640/Silvio Gessner