
Österreicher-Wochenende in der F4 Central Europe

Österreicher-Wochenende in der F4 Central Europe

At the Season Finale at the Salzburgring, Oscar Wurz takes the title and Simon Schranz performs as best Rookie in the F4 CEZ Championship

If one of the two takes a leap into the deep, the Meisterschaftswochenende of the F4 Central European Zone at the Salzburgring is certain of Oscar Wurz before he has received the title. The Markenbotschafter in Formela-Austria has Anti-Stall and has now started to start the start, if you go through the field, the Linie on P2 drops your question.

“The war was more dramatic when it came to müssen, but at the end is everything that happened. I can never sit in Worte Fassen, who is happy. I thank my team and the former Formula Austria fans for the Unterstützung during the season”, the most powerful son of F1 legend Alex Wurz is both Ohren.

A compelling talent probe by Simon Schranz ab. In the young Tyrolean, from 2025 in the Österreichs Nachwuchsakademie, in the Formelaustria Young Driver Program, the F4 CEZ Saison was contested with only three major races, sometimes in P4, finally in P5 in Ziel. Damit holte sich Schranz auch zheimal de Sieg at the Rookies.

“It’s a war that an F4 could fight on a Sunday in Austria. It was good at the Salzburgring and it could be a bisschen. Of course it’s a matter of time before it sells,” Schranz said about his good drive.

Auch Formelaustria Young Driver Program Director Harry Miltner was happy with his comments: “We would like to thank you for your feedback, Oscar Wurz, see our title gratulieren. The Oscar war ended the constant, and the victory over the best Mann in the Saison, and is a deserved champion.”

“That Simon shows such a stark week, war is not to be forgotten. It has been said that our confidence in him and his talent was absolutely justified. Let’s look at the new era, it has never been as easy as SIM-Racing. Now is a Rookie-Sieger in an FIA-Formel-4-Series, says Miltner.

Neben Schranz is also prepared by the Lower Austrian Alex Scheiblecker as the second of four pilots for the Formelaustria Young Driver Program 2025 festival. The rest of both cockpits have been improved for a number of years, which means that the performance in the English Kreis would not be good.