
Münchner Vorschulkinder erkunden die Wiesn

Münchner Vorschulkinder erkunden die Wiesn

At the Steps of Bavaria, Wiesn chef Clemens Baumgärtner, a reference for the profession and the economy, has brought together the future Wiesn fans with Margit Braun, leader of the KITA business group in the Referat für Bildung en Sport and Claudia Janke, leader of the City Traitors in each other. It is always the case that the course of the path plays an important role for the children’s world. If there is brauchtum and tradition, the consequences of the Oktoberfesten and the finding of a really great success can take place. All the driving groups would have a great pleasure and the culinary specialties of the Oktoberfestes testedet. Joining us were the organizers Yvonne Heckl, Peter Bausch from the Veranstaltungsgesellschaft of the Münchner Schausteller GmbH, including Otto Lindinger, Sprecher from the Kleinen Wiesnwirte and Robbi Eckl.