
Erfolg – HTL Wiener Neustadt invests the Zweiten Platz at der Drohnen-WM

Erfolg – HTL Wiener Neustadt invests the Zweiten Platz at der Drohnen-WM

The third Drone World Championship, the “Micro-Aerial-Vehicle Competition”, from 16 to 20 September at the University of Bristol in Great Britain. The HTL-Verein “robo4you” is one of the Leitung of Joel Klimon who organizes the Association songs and organizes for the most prominent university teams of 2. Platz, gives tips to the TU Delft/Niederland about deuttlich for the Drittplatzierten, at the University of Sao Paulo.

The Weltmeisterschaft stands under the motto “Wild Life Conservation” and war-inspired by real problems with the world wide “Wild Drone Project”, a more university university with approx. 15 Doctoral degrees work. Game reserve in Kenya is one of the most popular Flächen, in the Nashörner and Elefanten for Wilderern geschützt werden müssen. The enormous size of the countries is becoming larger than ever and is identified, one of the things that do not fall into the air.

A redeveloped surge of the war of law is a solution for the signal of a woman and a woman who may have more difficulty finding and photographing. It may be greater that the navigation, identification and autonomy, as well as the self-reliance of the Drone, are promoted. The team, consisting of Sebastian Kawicher, Bernhard Klauninger, Joel Klimont, Leo Pichelbauer and Gregor Zadrazil, was the best of the first three Drone-WM at the university, which was in 2nd place.

“With the AIRlab a reformulated training schedule for that wet-bewerb, a wet-bewerb at that level can lead to an exciting level,” says Joel Klimont, himself a Robotik-Absolvent and coach of the teams.

“The year 2024 was the year of success for the Robotikverein “robo4you” from HTL Wiener Neustadt – nationally and internationally, as well as students at universities. Platz 1, 2 and 3 at the European Masters in April, Platz 1 and 3 at the Weltmeisterschaft in July in the USA, Platz 1 in Beijing in August and Platz 2 in Bristol/Großbritannien – ich glaube, das ist in dieser Dichte weltweit einzigartig! “, said Michael Stifter about his Robotik Team. “A special thank you to all our sponsors and sponsors, who are supporting our teams and are able to make their own efforts!”