
Eching am Ammersee: Sonnenstrom vom Klärteich – Bayern

Eching am Ammersee: Sonnenstrom vom Klärteich – Bayern

Sounds funny, but it is true: In Eching am Ammersee the first solar energy was taken into operation on Saturday. The project of the Ammerseewerke and the Firma Sinn Power from Gauting has been busy for a while with radiating music and the rule of the Bavarian Economic Minister Hubert Aiwanger. We were a burgermeister, project partner and 100 citizens, who no longer wanted their spectacle.

If the weather is in the Wetter, the party at the end of the Samstagvorm in the field of the kläranlage. Before you lose, the hand is shaken and the blaskapelle warm. When we came up at 10 o’clock of the Minister President of the Wirtschaft and the Minister President Hubert Aiwanger, the party was not even a Speech on the Lage Teiche that we stopped. Since the joint project partners are connected to this theme, it is worthwhile to work together with the partner municipalities. Thomas Obermeier of the Ammerseewerken (48 Perzent Anteil) and Maximilian Bleimaier of AWA-Ammersee (52 Perzent Anteil) report on the bisherigen Bemühungen of CO₂ neutrality of the Kläranlage.

Hubert Aiwanger (Freie Wähler) has taken charge of a part of the energy source for the solar energy, while he “in the south the sun rises”. If you secure the protection of the environment, it is important to take into account that there are no problems. That is different here in Eching. If you use an 0815 device, most household appliances and the solar systems are switched on. Ob Aiwanger once thought here in the Fünfseenland?

The biggest problem is that there is a distance of 40 meters and a description of a maximum of 15 percent solar energy on the sea. The only thing the bird night owls have to offer is that they, for Aiwanger, consider the fox as a typical campfire, no good swimmer. His opinion after that was ready to extend 15 meters of distance and it should be left alone, up to 50 percent of the crop surfaces with solar modules to be covered. If you consider that it is one of the many colliders that exist, it is a matter of time. The layer is very beautiful as the human and can be separated without a wall. To conclude, the coalition in Berlin and Minister of Economic Affairs Robert Habeck (Grüne) do not continue, who has an Ahnung vom Thema Entscheidungen-verkeer.

Economic Minister Hubert Aiwanger explains that the environment and technology could harmonize. (Photo: Arlet Ulfers)
Hubert Aiwanger and Herrschings Bürgermeister Christian Schiller (from left) support the swinging Solaranlage. (Photo: Arlet Ulfers)

If the einführung in the Bayerische Umweltverständnis takes place, neither Sandra Perzul, Bürgermeisterin von Diessen, und Herrschings Bürgermeister Christian Schiller the ball geschickt and stretched over the Wirkung der Anlage for the region. Zuletzt combs Firmenchef Philipp Sinn zu Wort and lobs Aiwanger as Mann der Tat. Schließlich wurde beierlich ein Band durchgeschnitten and Aiwanger ließ sich nicht nehmen, de Leine für das Ponton selfbst zu losen. With great rumbled rutschte die Anlage ins Wasser und schwamm fortan friedlich in Ufernähe. After the government and the enforcers, the state ministers continue after Munich to the Oktoberfest.

Der Solaranlagenspezialist und Geschäftsführer van Sinn Power, Philipp Sinn, klärte noch auf, where could the Anlage even provoke war. Schließlich hated Aiwanger but you complained about Abstandsflächen. Des Pudels Kern: A Schönungsteich is a matter of honest writing and a “technical analysis” and not a matter of any kind. With this suitable Kniff, 50 swimming solar modules were installed on both sides.

:Power plants on the high seas

Philipp Sinn has launched Solaranlagen, which swim on the water – the idea is fragmented who not. If you use a tufter from the Landkreis Starnberg, the idea of ​​the sea on the world market is larger.

The solar energy supplies are based on the Federal Office for Nature Conservation, that is to say a founded mathematical calculation of the following facts. It is clear that the large quantities of water are thrown into the water world. How everything can come together, also water plants use sunlight, a sauerstoff to produce. If you feel at the Federal Office the Gefahrt, you can use the Zirkulation of natural substances. 40 meters away from the range where you are, is a sensible protection against the sun. Also baggerseen sees the few-natural-material-ecological niches for deceived creatures, it is called. Of jumping foxes or snow ducks ist in dem bericht nothing to read.