
“Baulich noch gut in Schuss”

“Baulich noch gut in Schuss”

  2. Ludenscheid

“Baulich noch gut in Schuss”
If the city is concerned with the appearance of the forums, it is no longer normal. Nougrigat © Carlo Nougrigat

A concept for the Forum at Sternplatz bores her. SEG boss Holger Moeser is going to prepare a new Sachstand in the kitchen of business, financing and modernization of financing.

Lüdenscheid – If the Forum on the Sternplatz on the old and zähem Ringen is in the Besitz der Stadt Lüdenscheid ist and with the Stadtentwicklungsgesellschaft Lüdenscheid (SEG) one of the most important bodies that have been created, one of the many other Einkaufscenters, man now come along doctor. In particular, weil de Aufgabenfelder der SEG so zahlreich sind, de Personaldecke aber noch dünn ist. Jedenfalls führte am Donnerstag SEG-Geschäftsführer Holger Moeser dem Gremium im Ausschuss für Beteiligungen, Finanzentwicklung und Verwaltungsmodernisierung aus.

Altes Einkaufszentrum: “Baulich noch gut in Schuss”

The fallen Lüdenscheidern lifted the abriss of the Forum Moeser naturally also welcomed. Only without a speaking support tool is that not mechanical. “And if you want something, you have to give her a concept. Then the construction and technical file acquisitions must be closed”, so Holger Moeser. And this is the case. There is a large group of files that can be used in the background during a project project that is very important, the Forum on the Sternplatz is not so marode-like, who has ever heard of it. “Construction is the Forum sogar nog really good in Schuss”, says Moeser.

Who has a technical status of the immobility, can no longer close. “If the hand is tied, a fachliche expertise can touch us personally. Also on the personal of the ZGW we can not back down”, so Moeser. In any case, an external agency for the technical file storage is available. A concept for the forum can be viewed all year round in November, which is worthwhile.

Auch in Aussicht is a personal check at the SEG. If you consider that the first Bewerbungsgespräche würden in der kommenden Woche stattfinden. Stichwort Adler-Leerstand: Bei der SEG müsse man schauen, was möglich sei. Fallen by the Verwaltung, by Erwerb and Abriss by the Stadt an Option voor die Schandfleck seien. Ganz was able to send the messages from the SEG Chief to the Innenstadt program. Black and white – and the man in his home during his stay – “it is not possible, all the people in the inner city will have to live their lives”. If the Stadtentwicklungsgesellschaft is free, this new loading capacity can be created “in the Pipeline”.

SPD parliamentary group leader Jens Voß firmly stated that he lacked a more concrete “View of Wilhelmstraße” from the SEG’s pages. Holger Moeser has joined the man who – with the Verweis on the company’s personal situation – never stands on his own two feet, in the sense that he can achieve something. “We see LSM as federating in responsibility”, says Moeser. City marketing has networking and know-how. If the SEG one day renews the theme of ‘Smart City’, Moeser is very sure, in Lüdenscheid it is rightly unrepresented. Digital modernisation and development are a process that will yield a first project.