
Criminal proceedings against Ex-VW Chief Winterkorn adjourned by dpa-AFX

Criminal proceedings against Ex-VW Chief Winterkorn adjourned by dpa-AFX

(neu: Anwaltstatement im zweiten Absatz.)

BRAUNSCHWEIG/MUNICH (dpa-AFX) – The fortification of the criminal proceedings against the früheren VW (ETR:) -Konzernchef Martin Winterkorn in the Diesel affair is postponed. The Criminal Chamber will be mitgeteilt, when the 77 years after a fall in the Krankenhaus begin, this is the Landgericht Braunschweig. The Verhandlingtermine für diesen Mittwoch und Donnerstag are aufgehoben.

Einzelheiten zu dem Unfall in häuslichen Umfeld and the active working of Winterkorns will not aim at the goal. If the demand is stopped, the publication of those years will no longer be possible, as the German press agent says.

Damit is offended, and wants to strengthen the process. If the fragment, with the health ground a strong stake of the longer term of trade, the guideline will disappear.

After the gas manipulation at Wolfsburger Autobau started in September, the winter corn process began. It is worth using the Vorstandschef debt for the best Diesel affair here. “Unser Mandant weist die gegen ihn erhobenen Vorwürfe entschieden zurück. Wir sind zoverzichtlich, dass wir zu eenem guten Ergebnis für ourseren Mandanten gelangen zijn”, teilte signal Verteidiger Felix Dörr mit.

The 77 years were carried out in the history of the Wirtschaftscriminalkammer, market manipulation and an unintentional falsification. Winterkorn soll VW-Käufer über de Beschaffenheit der Autos getäuscht and in the separated September 2015 the Kapitalmarkt voorsätzlich nicht Rechtzeitig über Risiken by Strafzahlungen informiert haben. 2017 is one of the most important consequences of the untersuchungsausschuss des Bundestags.

For Verteidigung it is a celebration that Winterkorn is “not involved” and “nobody harmed”. There has never been a capital market that has taken an uncontrolled decision in the impure shares or the unhealthy sauce in the Bundestag. There is talk of a debt repayment.

Peculiar sollte Winterkorn schon im first großen Betrugsss in Braunschweig with four others Ex-VW-Manager anyway -Engineers at the Anklagebank sitzen. Kurz vor dem Start this Verfahrens in the year 2021 would be a complex with a large part of the growth and the only way this could happen. The penalties were quickly resolved from 90 to September 2025.