
Design for Edel-Baureihen: New Top Job for Grazer Designer: BMW hires Maximilian Missoni

Design for Edel-Baureihen: New Top Job for Grazer Designer: BMW hires Maximilian Missoni

The German Autobauer BMW proposes a new Design Mannschaft. One of our best ideas is a Steirer a wesentliche Rolle: Maximilian Missoni, Head of Design of the Swedish Elektromarke Polestar, wechselt with 1. October zum global größten Premium-Hersteller after Munich. I am Team of the BMW Group Designer, more of Adrian Hooydonk, who in 46 years of Grazer as Vice President has now become the responsible for the Design of Edel-Bureihen of the Kernmarke core market, as well as of the new exclusive BMW Submarke Alpina das Gesicht geben . Domagoj Dukec, der Marke Rolls-Royce wechselt, followed. The Baureihen of the Kompakt and Mittelklasse are the sporty BMW M models of the bishish mini chief stylist Oliver Heilmer. A Spitze des Mini-Designs rückt Holger Hampf nach.

Shootingstar of the Szene

The BMW change is a shining height in the career of the Grazer Architektensohns, which is carried out years later as the Shootingstar of the gilded Szene. Some tracks deserve to work as a young designer at Volkswagen for 20 years, but one of the best designers of Bernd Pischetsried is one of the best Roadster studies and then as a Senior Exterior Designer the prototype of a liter car in the neighborhood. After the turn of the year at Volkswagen in 2012, she studied Industrial Design in Linz and studied absolutely at the Royal College of Art in London, at Volvo in Gothenburg, where the exterior design of the Swedish Mark was responsible. 2018 Missoni became Head of Design of the start-ups Polestar ordered and gave the first models of the ebenfalls in Gothenburg secretateten young electrical brand the face. His successor at Polestar – a joint venture between Volvo and the Chinese Konzernmutter – is the new Audi designer Philipp Römers.

The BMW Group has released a global write-off of 2,555,341 for BMW, Mini and Rolls-Royce. The plans for a new Absatz-Rekord 2024 became the Bavarian cause for all future market success in China. It is difficult for BMW to be the first premium supplier for Mercedes in China, but the Bayern must also obtain a 4.2 Prozent half-yearly. The current forecasts for 2024 are about 2.4 million Fahrzeugen.