
From Hauptstadt zu Hauptstadt: In eight Stunden nach Paris: Bahn starts new Connection

From Hauptstadt zu Hauptstadt: In eight Stunden nach Paris: Bahn starts new Connection

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From home to home: Acht Stunden soll die Fahrt von Berlin nach Paris künftig im Schnellzug dauern. (Archive image)
Acht Stunden soll die Fahrt von Berlin nach Paris künftig im Schnellzug dauern. (Archive image)
© Marijan Murat/​dpa

Ab Mitte Dezember können Bahnreisende with a Directverbindung von Berlin in de Französische Hauptstadt Paris fahren. The Fahrzeit runs for eight years, with the Deutsche Bahn der Deutschen Presse-Agentur Mitteilte. «Damit, both of these Hauptstadt were first connected to other areas», here it is. Boats are offered by the Directverbindung of the Deutschen Bahn and the French SNCF. Details woolen that both reveal their appearance at a fair in Berlin.

DB and SNCF buy on other routes

DB and SNCF have been involved in the German-Französischen Hochgeschwindigkeitsverkehr cooperation since June 2007. Regularly travel ICE and TGV on the lines Frankfurt – Paris as well as Stuttgart – Paris. At the end of 2007, a tag-connecting operation was carried out in Stuttgart after the Munich bezielingweise. On March 2012, there was a direct connection between Frankfurt and Marseille. Since 2023 we will be returning to Frankfurt and Bordeaux during the summer.

This December 2023 we will be having a night’s sleep soon Berlin and Paris, employees of the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB).

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