
the Mongolians, Russia and China

the Mongolians, Russia and China

The new regime of the Landes strives for greater independence from Russia and China. If you need the help from the West, but worth it. Bald can express itself.

Das Land will be released by Russia and will not disappear again. With the Mongolians, they will come to Ulaanbaatar with Russian flags.

Das Land will be released by Russia and will not disappear again. With the Mongolians, they will come to Ulaanbaatar with Russian flags.

Kristina Kormilitsyna / EPA

In September the night in the Mongolian capital Ulaanbaatar became empfindlich chilly, the temperature dropped to the fallen zero-degree border. The Mongolian heather, the smell of burnt coal then hangs in the city and the hinterland in the Nase an unangenehmes Stechen.

Also in others Landsteilen heizen die Menschen vornehmlich mit Kohle. In the tradition of Jurten, the Ger, the Mongols paint the Brennstoff in primitive Öfen. Zur Stromerzeugung concerns the Mongolei ausserdem zahlreiche Kohlekraftwerke. The Wirkungsgrad der veralteten-anlagen is niedrig, der Ausstoss und Schadstoffen entsprechend gross.

Putin Puts the Mongolian Stone in the Way

The Mongolians who organize their energy supply will be a fundamental problem. It is a good thing that the Mongolians offer the best protection against more protection and more property in the energy supply in the way: Vladimir Putin.

So the Mongolian plans for a long time, am Selenga in the North of the Landes a water power plant in the construction. The current is a matter of Russian lies in the Baikalsee. But Moscow argues that the waskraftwerk of the Mongolians increases the ecological weight of the Baikalsees. It is the Mongolian Regie under Pressure, von de Bau is abzusehen.

When Russia comes out of the Territory in Angara, a stream of water falls from the Baikalsee, a private water power plant. Viktor Frank, Leader of the Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Ulaanbaatar, vermutet, that es Russland has now received an ecologic weight of the Baikalsees, because his wife does not die.

If all goes well, the Moscow Druckmittel hat is an influens in the Mongolia. Das 3.4-Millionen-Land bekommt een Grosssteil – im Nordwesten des Landes nahezu 100 Prozent – ​​​​blessings Stroms aus Russland. Ausserdem vieuw de Mongolei annähernd 100 Prozent ihres Diesels und ihres Benzins von ihrem nördlichen Nachbarn. Diesen Hebel will not be affected by Putin.

The Mongolei is gefangen in Abhängigkeiten

The Mongols, who explore Russia and China and have their own country, are located in the Abhangigkeiten. If the country starts working on the energy supply of the Russians, it is trading in the large Chinese economy. More than 90 percent of the Mongolian Ausfuhren in the Reich der Mitte, 66 percent of the power Kohle out.

Geostrategically, the small population-sized, flat-sized but large Mongolia is of enormous significance for Russia and China. Even more so, if the democratic regime is a country that has been oriented towards the West for a number of years. Both autocrats in the North and in the South are keen on the orientation of the countries, but the Mongolian regime of the “Politics of the governed neighbours” has no influence on the situation and can be quickly influenced by Occasion Pressure.

When the Dalai Lama traveled to Mongolia in 2016, China closed the border. I discussed the annual trip of the Mongolian Prime Minister of the United States in Washington and Vice President Kamala Harris. On a field in a part of Mongolia from the Strom. Official foundation from Russia: technical problems.

In September, Wladimir Putin of the Mongolian Presidents of the Church at Sukhbaatar-Platz in Ulaanbaatar was offiziell empfangen.

In September, Wladimir Putin of the Mongolian Presidents of the Church at Sukhbaatar-Platz in Ulaanbaatar was offiziell empfangen.

Vyacheslav Prokofiev / AP

Annäherung in Europe and the USA

As soon as it is swinging, it will die at the end of the Wahlen day, which will make the Three-Party Coalition of the Beziehung zum Westen verteven again. Batbayar Jargalan is the stellar faction of the Democratic Party, which has power over the Annäherung in Europe and the US. “Of course it is a way of the ways that are swinging,” he said.

Gleichwohl must have a closer connection in the West in Mongolia, after he has become an umbau of the Wirtschaft. Jargalan said: “I could not expand the diversification of the energy supply and the energy supply anymore.” You can best come from the planted wasserkraftwerk in the north of the countries.

The young politics lives in the world of the West. In the Vergangenheit the German states and the Schweiz are active with aid projects in the Mongolia. “Nowadays we need investments and a joint work between foreign and Mongolian companies”, says Jargalan. Fragmented with know-how and modern technologies.

But das Ausland sucks. It is hard to imagine that the chiefs of state and government are responsible for their democracy, and their country is autocratic. That is why German Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier is welcome in Mongolia in February. In the August War Viola Amherd, Federal President of Switzerland, in the Mongolian Hauptstadt zu Gast. A year later, the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, made Ulaanbaatar one of his statements.

Nothing from beautiful sailing

Make sure that the beautiful sail products they use are produced. Amherd castle the office of the aid organization Deza in Ulaanbaatar. The rationale: The Mongolians are inzwischen in a country with small income. Macron hates to do everything on Uran from the Mongolia, but it will reach China. Steinmeier is working with the Mongolian Regie of a strategic partnership, that is one of the best ways to achieve a Inhalten effect.

“I became very desidiert after the Inhalten fragments,” said Manfred Grund. Grund sits for the CDU in the German Bundestag, in the Ausschuss des Parlaments is a reporting statter for the Zentralasien, China and Mongolia. Grund will come again as soon as you live your year in Mongolia. The Entwicklung of the Landes is the politics born in the GDR and a subordinate Anliegen.

One of the septembernachmittags Grund sits in a Café, unchanged by the Mongolian parliamentarians and criticizing the Untätigkeit der Deutschen. “Wir had the Mongols no herausgeholfen aus der Situation”, said the Grund and meint that the Abhängigkeit des Landes von Russland.

Many photographed projects

Grund is an example of the German economy, the Mongolian coal mines that modernize, to drive the economy off the scaffolding. It is true that Mongolia has become a small stream in the energy supply. It is the most interesting. But the harmful Bundesregierung strich das Project wieder. The Begründung: Deutschland does not finance coal mines in Ausland anymore.

Few concrete words said that in 2011 it was one of the damage of the Bundeskanzler of Angela Merkel with the Mongolian closed Rohstoffabkommen. The German woolen are at the Erforschung and the Abbaut that Erden engages, while the Mongolians paint in large quantities. But that Vorhaben verliefd im Sand.

While the German economy largely stands still in the research and mapping of mineral activity, the signal effect can be continued: the Western domination of Mongolia is not even in Russia and China. It was a political Weitsicht.

If the European business community is busy with investment investments, it is also not wise. The CDU police group has experienced the grassy corruption as Grund. The Mongolian Politikerin Jargalan said: “We could say more ourselves, an investment climate will be declared.”

A traditional Mongolian Jurte, on the right a Plumpsklo: Die Menschen in der Mongolei sind arm.

A traditional Mongolian Jurte, on the right a Plumpsklo: Die Menschen in der Mongolei sind arm.

Matthias Kamp / NZZ

Chinese at the Vormer

In the form of a day from China. In Ulaanbaatar the streets are filled with car dealers Chinese Marken. The Chinese repairers finance the local trade in showrooms and lovely cars that are available for free. Before you use the dealer first, you must have a vehicle-sold. The power of China in the Mongolia is generally in the world: the economy and the market are erobern, first then schaut is the profitability.

Russia comes with its commodities project that has its origins in the project. After Putin, it is still not the case that the construction of the long plants Gaspipeline Power of Siberia II begins. The gas from the West of Russia is transported to China by the Mongolians.

Putin’s problem is that the Chinese are blocking the project. Beijing demands for the Gas Nidrige inner Russian price. Darauf wollen ich Russia and the high debt burden of Gazprom-Konzern aber nicht einlassen. The established «Freundschaft ohne Grenzen» of both Länder knows open borders but borders.