
Poysdorf: Oldtimer Club and Traktorwanderungen as Herzstück der Weinstadt

The Weinstadt Poysdorf is no longer for its reformed roads, but for its old Oldtimerclub the city limits are no longer suitable for its Tractor and Oldtimer rallies. The Club, in January 1998, of the former Motorsportclub „Thermoton Sportpark Neuruppersdorf“ which is concerned with building up the Gründung of a festive truce of the Poysdorfer Kulturszene.

POYSDORF. The decoupling of the motorsport club in the year 1998 is by the oldtimer club as own standard association with 100 months geführt. The Club that is in Poysdorf, and Manfred Parisch, will have the Gründung des Vereins as Obmann amtierte, the Geschicke des Vereins lasts 25 years. Parisch, one of the better auto-cross and rally-cross-rennfahrers, is not even a motorsporter who has a central figure of the oldtimers in Poysdorf. Gemeinsam with her wife Hannelore who now has the association of the Vereins, has not aimed and won any racing association, but there are also many events that are organized themselves.

Die Leidenschaft für historic Traktoren en Fahrzeuge

Eight manufactured Steyr tractors, from the oldest of the Danes dating from 1949, belong to the celebration of the Association. If you believe an Oldtimer meeting and the “Oldtimer rally”, while the male Kellergassen of Poysdorf more often encounter a historical event from the East and the past. The Oldtimer Club is active in the three sections – Tractors, Motorcycles and Cars -, and each section regularly organizes outings and meetings. In 2024 Manfred Parisch died in the Langzeitobmannes in Ende.

Photo: Parisch

The Oldtimer Club & Museum Poysdorf was included in two Clubs. The Wirtschaftlichen part of the Oldtimer Museum and the Traktorwandern is the best club and none more so than the Oldtimer Museum Poysdorf. The social part with Oldtimertreffen and Ausfahrten organizer of the new established Club Young- & Oldtimerclub Poysdorf.

19,000 kilometers on the tractor: Die großen Reisen

Another chapter in the history of the Poysdorfer Oldtimer Clubs is the great Traktorreis, which is eradicated by a Scherz entstanden, the mittlerweile aber zum Markenzeichen of the Vereins. In the meantime, they have traveled extensively touring the Poysdorfer with their own Oldtimer Tractors, while they have traveled 19,000 kilometers. 2004 führte die Reise bis St. Petersburg, and over the years he pulled the Traktoren, among others, the Großglockner, after Dettelbach, Athens, Vaduz, Paris as well as schließlich after Berlin, Stockholm and Helsinki.

This period on the tractor started in 190 days and your journey is a war for the club flight an unparalleled experience. Manfred Parisch said: “All journeys merge, were we half a year on the piece on the tractor on the road.”

Traktorwanderungen: A tourist heritage history

While the great journey of the Oldtimer Club has an idea for 20 years, the public magnet becomes herausstellte: the “Traktorwanderungen” during the Weinstadt Poysdorf. You can see the historic Traktoren yourself and experience the idyllic display of the beautiful Weise craft. Since 2022, almost 3,500 tractors have been destroyed and Hannelore Paris has been left behind: “The unique experience of having the tractors in their own homes was worth an emotional reflection in that kind of care.”

The preparation of the guest says that it is so, it is perhaps best with a knitting. Prominent guests from politics, Wirtschaft and Unterhaltung have suffered from the Traktorwanderungen teilgenommen. Names with Otto Jaus, Jazz Gitti, Andi Goldberger, Andi Lee Lang, Helmut Zilk and Dagmar Koller were busy with the famous Traktorfahrern, who were enthusiastic about the unique experience in Poysdorf.

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