
Hotels in historic Denkmälern –

Hotels in historic Denkmälern –

You can find a place to stay or a small War Ministry – many hotels have made a long journey. We present historical houses in a picture gallery.

These hotels have a great vibe: they offer luxury and security, so whoever is Park Hyatt Vienna in Vienna, das La Mamounia in Marrakech, das Ca’ Sagredo in Venice, the Schlosshotel Kronberg or the La Zambra Resort in Andalusia.

Park Hyatt Vienna: Vom Kriegsministerium zum Luxusdomizil

The Park Hyatt Vienna, located in the Wiener Innenstadt, is the best luxury hotel. The first part of the Roman Lagers Vindobona and the Babenberger Burg, which houses the heute Denkmalgeschützte Gebäude nor for cattle 100 years ago
Hauptsitz der Österreichischen Länderbank.

If one of the best restaurants in the hotel belongs to the best of the generation of breweries: renovate the luxury and luxury suites in the youth style, before you find in Spa-Bereich the original resort of the damaged bank.

La Mamounia, Marrakech: Wo Geschichte auf Zeitlosen Luxus trifft

The Hotel La Mamounia in Marrakesh was opened in 1923. Guest from the world of life and combined damasks are traditional Moroccan architecture with Art Deco elements. Go to the Moroccan sultan, go to the garden of the garden in 18. Jahrhundert his son to high time allowed. Since the opening of the hotel for over 100 years has housed famous rock bands or other Sir Winston Churchill. The Luxushotel is one of the most beautiful places in the world that has emerged.

Ca’ Sagredo, Venice: A Palace of Italian Art and History

Direction Venice Canal Grande to the Boutique Hotel Ca’ Sagredo. Der Palast aus dem 15. Jahrhundert mit seiner rosafarbenen Fassade is one of the Venezian Aristocracies. As Mitglied der Small luxury hotels of the world combines the hotel’s art-historical design with luxurious flair and developed artistic and interesting gleams with works by Sebastiano Ricci or Giambattista Tiepolo.

Schlosshotel Kronberg: Spend the night in Witwensitz der Kaiserinmutter

Im Schlosshotel Kronberg near Frankfurt übernachten Gäste aus aller Welt im Witwensitz by Victoria Kaiserin Friedrichby Ehefrau Friedrichs III. and der Mutter Wilhelms II.

The castle appeared in 19 years. Jahrhundert is a connecting element of the Renaissance, of English Tudor Gothic and Fachwerk. In Ersten und Zweiten Weltkrieg the roast was settled, before 1953, wieder zurück in Familienbesitz überführt and a year später as Hotel eröffnet wurde.

La Zambra Resort, Mijas: On the Trail of Lady Di and The Rolling Stones

If La Zambra Resort The last Byblos Hotel in January 2022 was a new start and empfängt seine Gäste Dort, Wed in the 80s and 90s. Prominente wie Lady Di or the Rolling Stones übernachteten. Located in Mijas, a place in Màlaga and Marbella in Spanish Andalusia, it is a place with blue towers and white facades with a glamorous atmosphere, which the famous people can enjoy. you