
Research report of the IOW at Wolgaster Werft: Fachmann aus Rente geholt

Research report of the IOW at Wolgaster Werft: Fachmann aus Rente geholt

Wolgast. The Forschungsschiff “Elisabeth Mann Borgese” is on a repair plan in Wolgast at the shipyard. The 57 meter long Schiff is single-handedly active in Einsatz Sein, the director of the Leibniz Institutes for Ostseeforschung Warnemünde (IOW), Oliver Zielinski.

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The ship is the “Arbeitspferd” of the IOW. Problems with the stabilizers and the rough powers over the Aufenthalt in the Peene shipyard are necessary.

The “Elisabeth Mann Borgese” is a highly gifted IOW-genutzte Forschungsschiff, erklärte Zielinski. “That’s a great experience, with a lot of fun during the year we will be able to enjoy the combined experience of the Ostsee during our two-week expeditions, with our second year of working at a Message Station and with our educational opportunities during our studies.” Hinz zämen Expeditionen zu bestimmten Themen, etwa Schadstoffemissionen or der Algenblüte.

Suddenly technical problem

The technical problems can be solved. “We will be happy to help you with this as soon as possible with the help of the shipyard.” This is a lot of variety here in the Zweifel. The Schiff is different from the default setting you need a year later.

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When the Schiff came into being in the late 1980s, it was rough and unoriginal, but more specialists found that it was not possible with the technology. In the fall, a tenant can respond, while still no best manual labor can be performed.

Deployment planned in October

After the time that the position was reached, the ship was not shown at the end of the Monats on the shipyard. From 7. October, a deployment for the warding of ships in the Baltic Sea was set up on the plan. If the ship is, it is a matter of life. “I’ll set it up,” said Zielinski. Is it possible to try out the technique and methods with one of the following steps, or is it a solution yourself? “I am not sure yet.”

The “Elisabeth Mann Borgese” can turn into an elf and become a Wissenschaftler and Bordnehmen. Das Schiff war als Mehrzweckboot der Schwedeneck-Klasse in Schleswig-Holsteinisch Schacht-Audorf is made. The Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is located in the Bund and is located in the Peene-Werft zum Forschungsschiff.

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Namengeberin is Elisabeth Mann Borgese (1918-2002), the youngest daughter of Thomas Manns and Mitbegründerin of the Club of Rome. The fight against the interests of the lake protection authorities began in 1982 by the Vereinten Nationen.