
Platz eins in Europa – Stadt erhält Bio-Auszeichnung von der EU

Platz eins in Europa – Stadt erhält Bio-Auszeichnung von der EU

Keine Stadt is better than Bremen – the most was the ökological and nachhaltige Ernährung in Einrichtungen angeht. The EU has now left town.

Number one on the continent: Bremen is available as “best organic city in Europe”. The EU Organic Award, won by the European Commission, environmental and climate senator Kathrin Moosdorf (Grüne) in Montag in Brussels, was won.

The city that maintains a healthy living system through community projects and innovative agricultural initiatives, is part of the EU Commission. “We are happy to have a healthy, healthy, environmentally responsible environment and climate protection,” said Senator Moosdorf. The money is put into the market first.

In Bremen, after Angaben der Behörde, everything started with a lawn movement. Bremer Bürger has enjoyed a healthy lifestyle and transparency in joint community renewal for more than a year. “This is a significant commitment, a matter of great interest in Bremen in the year 2015 of the Bio-Stadt”, continues here. The focus is on the integration of the Action Plan 2025, the overall health care in schools, children’s homes and nursing homes by 2025 after 100 years of Bio-Qualitation.” bezahlbar.

The rules are repeated in the format of the farmer of the region, with the eye, with products in regional kitchens. If you want all possible direct charities to appeal to your wishes, you can serve the kitchen in the kitchen to cook.

The hat of Biostadt is still Ziele im Blick. In one of the following cases a country-specific strategy has emerged, which the resort brings with it. These can no longer be carried out with the gemeinschaftsverpflegung in de Blick. If you take a walk, there is a problem in the gesamten-gesellschaft.

The European Commission has announced the EU Organic Awards in those years that they are on Mal. The category “Best Organic City” is a city and community, the eco-agriculture in the deeper art and weise basis. Bremen is since 2015 “Organic City”, one of more than 20 federal states.