
See here in offenbart, on welche Warnsignale Eltern bei de Kita eighten sollten

See here in offenbart, on welche Warnsignale Eltern bei de Kita eighten sollten

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A Pädagogin message set, was in Kitas stört and there were warning signals that were in the path of a so-called expert würde.

430,000. So groß ist der Mangel und Kita-Plätzen in etwa in Deutschland. This is what the national Bildungsbericht says. A lot of value is personal. The Arbeitsbedingungen in Kitas have been reformed. One, it is true that for years as Erzieherin in de three verschiedenen Kitas die herausforderungen stellt, is Hannah*.

Hannah is studying daycare and how to do a few things. I am in conversation with BuzzFeed News Germany by IPPEN MEDIA say that your personal “Red Flags” are in the Kita and that you are getting a warning signal that you can help.

Type of malt in the Kita ein Bild
Nur Ausmalbilder in kindergarten? A “Red Flag” for Erzieherin Hannah. © imagebroker/begsteiger/Imago

1. Mangle und pädagogisch ausgebildetem Personal in Kitas

In many Kitas in Deutschland it is possible to find the Fachkräftemangels not genügend pädagogisch ausgebildetes Personal. In an Einrichtung war the situation is not critical. “I was dying to see that one and only postponed pädagogische Fachkraft. Eine Person war noch in der Ausbildung, der Rest were Quereinsteiger,” says Hannah BuzzFeed News Germany. There is a bad flow in the quality of the betreuung. There is now a woman who gave Hannah that job.

2. “Honey”: Erzieher used Kosenamen in Kitas

Hannah is the Meinung, dass Kosenamen in Kitas gar nicht gehen. If you want a child in a kita with “Schatzi”, you can solve the problem. If you talk to the English ‘Honey’, it is a bilingual Kita war. That’s the end of it,” said Hannah. Auch Küsse auf die Wange hält sie für unricht.

3. Kinder in Kitas bekommen nur Ausmalbilder

The art and the beautiful, while a kit with paper and paper is increasingly used, Hannah can offer the quality of Kita. See the Beispiel Ausmalbilder. “Ausmalbilder are of course not forbidden”, explains the childhood education. “If you no longer have your own credit.” When children are now on the market, they see that as a pedagogical “Red Flag”.

4. Erzieherinnen in Kitas basteln für die Kinder

If you haven’t found Hannah yet, if it’s more childish to grind yourself once, then there is an erzieherin or an erzieher for your malt or bark, but the kind of frustrating shear or stift-hinwirft. That’s what I can do when I’m “wenig mit Pädagogik”, when I do that BuzzFeed News Germany.

5. Kinderdürfen nicht streiten

Another warning sign in Kitas is for Hannah, if children can no longer work, the device itself can come loose. Children and children are always aware of the child’s life, with their emotions there, if they want. Aussagen wie: “You go to your little darling and come to my meinen schoß!”, and for the 29-year-old age there is an absolute No-Go.

*Hannah is actually different. Your name is the editor that is possible.