
Wildwechsel: Gefahr von Wildunfällen im Herbst besonders hoch

Wildwechsel: Gefahr von Wildunfällen im Herbst besonders hoch

Frühere Dämmerung and active Wildtiere, it is a wonderful combination. What was it like, if a Reh am Fahrbahnrand plötzlich or über die Straße läuft would be?

In the last year in Rheinland-Pfalz, 17,000 wild tunnels have been collected. In the year 2023 there were 24,600 Wildunfalls and fell 500 more hours in the year 2022.

Zum Herbstbegint de Gefahr von Wildunfällen under large, warning Hunter and Automobilclubs. Please follow these fun facts below:

1. Kürzere Tage + veld Aktivität = höhere Unfallgefahr

The wild oriented in the day light, explains hunter Ronni Becker from Boppard. Now that I have herbs, it is so that the sale of cars with the best sales products is the same. If the Dämmerung no longer activates the Wildtier, it is no longer possible to use Futtersuche.

Wildunfall - the most important info

You should know that
So just avoid wild waterfalls

At Nebel, vermehrter Dunkelheit und nassen Straßen steeps das Risiko von Wildunfällen erheblich. That is Aufmerksamkeit gefragt!

Coffee or tea

SWR television

2. Langsam fahren, Fernlicht aus!

If there is a Tier am Straßenrand, there are so many German langamer-fahren and the Fernlicht-ausschalten, one of the few that the Automobil-Club Verkehr (ACV) has to offer.

3. Level on the Fahrbahn? Hupen and Bremsen!

If the level of the Fahrbahn is reached, some steps will be taken and we will be further braked. If the fall is a full braking machine, so Jagdpächter Ronni Becker, we will soon be able to make the fall happen.

4. Stay with us!

Wilderness since häufig in Gruppen belowwegs. If you see something, you can do it with more investigations. Wachsamkeit is vor allem in der Dämmerung gefragt, speziell im Wald en een Feldrändern.

5. What happened? Stop destroying the Polizei!

If a whitewater waterfall has the chance to be hit by the accident prevention service and the police are alerted, it may not cause any damage or the level of the road is reduced.