
Deutsche Börse-Aktie nach Rekordjagd leichter: Untersuchung von EU-Wettbewerbswächtern schlägt Anleger in die Flucht

Deutsche Börse-Aktie nach Rekordjagd leichter: Untersuchung von EU-Wettbewerbswächtern schlägt Anleger in die Flucht

The Aktien der Deutschen Börse has the service of the young Rekordjagd and was Tribut zollt.

With a Kursrückgang via

The exclusion of the Gewinnmitten is an investigation by EU-Wettbewerbswächtern. The European Commission has done a number of antitrust cases at the financial service in the two member states through. Whoever the Commission joins, is suspected that the unsound group has been able to incur EU antitrust law. If the products are traded, this is a financial derivative.

The German equity investments are the best rated on the Nachfrage of Dow Jones News, the equity investments of the undermining have been hit. “We confirm the Nachuntersearchung der EU-Kommission and purchaseieren vollumfänglich”, so a speaker. The laufenden among such will not comment on the German stock market.

Since a two-way start in August, an action of 20 percent has been received at 211.60 euros. I have been aware of the modesty of the company for a year: Das Plus fell by 11.6 percent and was lighter than Dax, which had reached a 13.2 percent of the chances at that time.

Suspicious about insider trading – OLG weist Beschwerde ab

There is another insider deal in 154 cases: The Higher Regional Court (OLG) Frankfurt has confirmed a court decision against a former Commissioner of the German Treasury. If you want to get a war of 1.3 million euros over the power of the English government, with the goal that you are aiming.

Depot der Ehefrau für Aktiendeals genutzt

Since the state trade has left the path of the suspects of insider trading, it is so that the DAX conzers have become aware of 154 Börsenpflichtmitteilungen erhalten haben. There are more possibilities to provide more relevant information about your activities. Before the luminous light of the company begins, the power over the deposit of the fishing and financing instruments has been purchased and after the sale of the deposit has begun.

The best of the urgent thought is that the fear has arisen in 154. Fallen insider business gets a good impression of the goal. That follows another man from his geständigen Angaben, who is the best of a Schnellprüfung of Finanzaufsicht Bafin. By Insider trading is the Reason, if you have information, the Börsenkurse moves, and if you earn more money.

Zur Sicherung von Taterträgen hatte das Landgericht Frankfurt am Main Vermögen des Angeklagten in Höhe von knapp 1.3 Millionen Euro voläufig gesichert. The day after which the Angeklagte Beschwerde was filed. See what the OLG looks like.

Financing overview is enabled

It is worth using some of the cases of insider information, so that is OLG. Aber: “As one of the tatsächlich irririgeren Annahme, über Insiderinformationen zu verügen, Wertpapere erwirbt and anschließend weiterverkauft, unterliegt der gesamte Erlös aus dem Verkauf der Einziehung”, so das Gericht. Die Entscheidung sei nicht anfechtbar (Az. 7 Ws 253/23).

The Deutsche Börse is ready for it, it is full-fledged with the sister Behörden kooperert. It acts as a whole.

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX/Dow Jones)

Ausgewählte Hebelprodukte auf Deutsche Börse

With knockouts, a speculative attack can be a trump card and course movements. Choose one of the desired levers and with the right Ihnen-suitable open-end products on the German stock exchange


Images: Video Media Studio Europe /, Jorg Hackemann /