
Eindrückliche Musikalische Lesung | Engadiner Post/Posta Ladina

Eindrückliche Musikalische Lesung | Engadiner Post/Posta Ladina

Those who came out of the Carnival of the Tiere to experience a Jahrmarkt der Eitelkeiten, could live their lives on Sunday, September 22, at the Hotel Waldhaus in Sils. Rund 120 Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauer kamen bei een lesung en musikalischer Umrahmung full auf ihre Kosten.

The music students and music students deserve their Lohn. Tosender Applause. Photo: Andrea Gutgsell

The music students and music students deserve their Lohn. Tosender Applause. Photo: Andrea Gutgsell

The free musical lessons after Armin Brunner were based on Tatsachen in Gerüchten, the Graziella Rossi and Helmut Vogel, the Sprechern and Initiators of Abends, who all led a secret life. Under the music direction of Anton Ludwig Wilhalm he would give his transient Sunday a light sound with a high vergnüglichen Abend. The pieces of music by Saint Seans, Schubert, Bizet, Chatschaturjan, Schostakowitsch, Kurt Weill and many other composers would have won from the Musikschule Oberengadin in Szene gesetzt. The vom Hotel Waldhaus offers an organized analysis for the traditional house of a high stellar value. “It is important that the young talent gets the chance, with professionals on the flower and for the public”, said Felix Dietrich, who together with Daniela Greco is responsible for the cultural program in the Hotel Waldhaus. And this chance is great that young musicians and musicians are a children’s choir. The round swanky songs and the von den twee Schauspielern vorgetragene humorvolle Story were thought up by the audience with minutes of applause. The following week, the young Talente Live, is on September 25th. The concert started at 21.15 in Hotel Waldhaus in Sils.