
ROUNDUP 2/In eight Stunden nach Paris: Railroad starts new connection ()

ROUNDUP 2/In eight Stunden nach Paris: Railroad starts new connection ()

(new: more details and background)

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – Starting from 16. This month, train travel with direct connections to Berlin can be made in the French Hauptstadt Paris. The Fahrzeit is eight students, part of the Deutsche Bahn at the Verkehrstechnikmesse Innotrans in Berlin. “Damit, both of these main buildings were first used in connection with high traffic traffic”, here is what it says. International trade is part of the DB strategy, with the bilanz of the sailing companies, however long it will take – and the Konzerntochter will proceed in a rotten way.

DB-Vorstand gibt Pünktlichkeitsziel aus

The Fernverkehr will be greatly expanded by Streiks, extreme wettereignisse and the marrode infrastructure, such as Michael Peterson, in Bahn-Vorstand sisterändig for the Fernverkehr. “Wir haben dadurch Vertrauen lost with our guests.”

In 2023, the “extremely grim” situation will be observed. The problem of raising the problems for years is not taxed. In August, the price in the assortment was behind 60.6 percent – Peterson lets an “extremely bitter amount” sound. In 2027, the price will be worth more than 75 percent. “Basic renovation is a functioning infrastructure,” says Peterson.

Construction plan so you can read more information about the plan

In view of a rapid attractiveness of the Bahn, which offers the first train tickets, this is used in a different way. In Kraft, the change should take place on 16 October. Then the new travel plan will be in force, so that the trains travel from Mid-Thismber – from then on, tickets for the new connection from Berlin to Paris are also available.

Ensure that the groups work in a fast way through the previous general reorganization that goes beyond the higher stretches. In 2031, 41 years ago, the foundation legend was expanded and modernized, the first Bauma was launched in July on the Abschnitt in Frankfurt and Mannheim. The Bahn sets there, that if the Abschluss this building site Mid December the operation will be stabilized.

Bauma’s take on the general reorganization could do so much trouble with more information about the Fahrplan that was drawn up, Peterson said. This is the representation of the sale in the following Monaten-vernessern.

Meer Sprinter-Verbindungen ab Fahrplanwechsel

Peterson has taken the time to put an end to the corporate bones. It is a good idea to grow the capital on the highly taxed nets, the Fernverkehr-zusammenzukürzen, that is now a brute of the Verkehrs on the Schienen in Deutschland.

In the Farplan for the year 2025, Peterson was praised for having more Sprinter connections, including ICE-Fahrten with new stops between Start and Endbahnhof. “Between December 2026, 20 German Großstädte with an ICE-Halbstundentakt and the Bundesweiten Fernverkehr angebunden sein”, said Peterson.

Fahrt von Berlin nach Paris führt über Straßburg

Also more international traffic was requested from the customer. We see the Bahn the Cooperation with the French SNCF for the new direct connection from Berlin to Paris. The connection would take longer, before all people would get a stretch run, are the discussions.

After DB connections the trains can easily travel through Frankfurt South, Karlsruhe and Strasbourg. It is a fact that the Bahn-Angaben have a direct connection to Berlin and Strasbourg, the headquarters of the European parliaments.

Tickets for Berlin – Paris from 59.99 Euro

Die Fahrt nach Paris starts at 11:54 am in Berlin Hauptbahnhof, the Bahnhof Paris is announced at 7:55 pm. Die Fahrt nach Straßburg dauert laut Fahrplan sechs Stunden (Ankunft 17.53 Uhr). In the other direction, the Fahrt started in Paris at 9:55 am. At 11.40 am we arrive at Zug dann Straßburg, at 6.03 pm after the plan of the Berliner Hauptbahnhof.

This is an ICE3 with 444 seats. Tickets for the joint Strecke von Berlin nach Paris cost der Bahn zufolge starting from 59.99 Euro (including seat reservation)./nif/DP/jha