
Year 1944 lasted a long time during the 80’s festival

Year 1944 lasted a long time during the 80’s festival

With a bouncer, an evening einkehr, a Anddacht and a closed cemetery visit and communal lunches to the end, the eighties festival was celebrated during the eighties year of 1944. By bus it goes towards Münsingen on the former Truppenübungsplatz and the modern Biosphere area. One of the most important functions that arose in 1944 is on the Truppenübungsplatz, the only man who has taken the Wehrdiensten into service, has become a landscapely a malignant component of the biosphere. A special Mark the war of the church and the debts of Gruorn. From here, man must be urgently affected during the gelände 1938 on the Truppenübungsplatz. Many of the residents found a new home and work in Ehingen. Only the church and the schoolhouse remain. Two times a year there is a good service here, you have a malicious relationship and your next comment is in Gruorn meet. Connection could be in the former barracks, in the “old camp” many a bit crazy or es sich in a café gutgehen las.

After a visit to dinner at Gasthaus Schwanen, we traveled to the 1944 vintage for a morning evening in the Martinskapelle am Friedhof. Jahrgängerin Elisabeth Hörmann shaped the Abdacht with the Memorials and the 29 bereits Vertorbenen schlicht and würdevoll. Eberhard Schweizer and Michael Leicht have invented a small Kranz to remind us of the Verstorbenen, and the Mitglieder am Großen Kreuz on the Friedhof is central for all other Mitte Verstorbenen. Anschließend fuhr man mit Partner in das Hotel Rose nach Berg zu einem guten Mittagessen. Richly zünftig wurde es, als Jahrgänger Siegfried Paschke sein Akkordeon hollow and jegliche aufkommende Müdigkeit after dem Essen with Schunkel- and Stimmungsliedern vertrieb.

Swabian faith is also the sucked Jahrgänger, but whoever comes back to their own roots, no one could understand it better than Hermann Wax. Man is not bothered by his headache.

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