
Diebe in Sigmaringendorf!: More Tonnen Wertmetalle aus Fabrikhallen clambered

Diebe in Sigmaringendorf!: More Tonnen Wertmetalle aus Fabrikhallen clambered

More tons of metalware come from the Fabrikhallen in Sigmaringendorf. Der Schaden ist hoch. Die Polizei sucht Hinweise.

You can appeal to the workplace in the Zwei Fabrikhallen, a department in the Hitzkofer Straße in Laucherthal, a Ortsteil der Gemeinde Sigmaringendorf, a brooch and a laut Polizei erhebliche Menge an Wertmetallen gestohlen. The unintended data that you can get is an intervention of the company and a transport company that is mutmaßlich with a Klein-LKW or a larger Transporter ab.

Damage in the case of consequences – Polizei sucht Hinweise

Due to the heavy burden of the company and damage in the Netherlands, there is little difference between Euro-areas. Persons who, in particular, were concerned about the time of day, 18 hours, and time, 6 hours, were concerned or could have been affected by the information, were bitten, as well as the Police Area Sigmaringen under Tel. 07571/104-0 to report.