
Vorverkauf starts on October 4

Vorverkauf starts on October 4

From October 4th
Tickets for Ski Jumping in Willingen

Go to the Run on Tickets without any special notice: The Ski Jumping in Willingen takes place at the winter season 30. Event!

If you want, you can buy the tickets. On October 4th it starts at 9 o’clock that one of the auctioneers is informed: There is no price increase for Mal. It is the highest class of Jumping of the Mühlenkopfschanze that statt on January 31st to February 2nd.

No price increases

See the service with the three tolls of the Weltcuptage in Willinger Strycktal, weiter ausgebaut. “Wir bieten an alle Verkaufsständen den bargeldlosen Zahlungsverkehr an, der von den Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauern wird genutzt”, says Markus Hensel, der Geschäftsführer vom SC Willingen. If you have purchased a digital Weltcup Ticket for a year, it is best that the online store is child-friendly.

“Free Willis” gets an extra upgrade

While the anniversary of the Kult-Weltcups of the Ski Club Willingen is being held, the following has happened: an own anniversary founder does not feel alone among Ereignis and of the “Free Willis”, the real Helfern of the Vereins, who on his cars are dared. “We are proud of our nature, we will be happy to have the World Cup as an event with great flair in Willingen,” says Jürgen Hensel, chairman of the ski clubs and long-term leader of the organizing committee. “Oh that the support of Free Willis, the community of Willingen is also responsible for their support for politics and economics, it was not possible to do so,” that is something to be grateful for.

Tickets online

Punctual at 9 o’clock from October 4th the ticket shop will be free. Then it is so that it often happens that the terminology on the Feiertag zum Tag of the German Einheit-fest appears on the screen and in the Jahreskalender-dick.

Sporty high warranty conditions

Sport is the World Cup in Willingen for the “Adlerinnen” and “Adler” year after year a real highlight, while the ski jump is still used as a Mühlenkopf. Enjoy the statistics of the international ski associations (FIS) who PB (Personal Best/Persönliche Bestweite) after a long Saturday on the Mühlenkopf jump on the Schanzenrecordorde for the women (Nika Kriznar/Slovenien, 151 meters on January 30, 2022) and men (Johann André Forfang/Norway, 155.5 meters on February 3, 2024) in the last years on fantastic Weiten improved.

Unvergessen is with the fans of Lokalmatador Stephan Leyhe dessen Weltcup-Sieg at the Heimschans on February 8, 2020, as the Schwalefelder in the Final that great artistic Triumph for his purchase Haus sicherte and nor on the run Kamil Stoch vorbeiflog. For the Ski-Club-Verantwortlichen and the Free Willis a Gänsehaut moment for the Ewigkeit.