
Harbor front: Neuer Leiter Joachim Lux spricht über seine Plane |

Harbor front: Neuer Leiter Joachim Lux spricht über seine Plane |

Status: 24.09.2024 18:07

The Harbour Front Literaturfestival took place in those years. Newly installed in 2025. It could be that Joachim Lux, the director of Thalia Theaters, in the new Leiter world. I am an interview focused on my Pläne.

For 15 years, the great Norddeutsche reading festival on the stage took place in Herbst. The Hamburger Harbour Front Literaturfestival war for fans a more important anchor in teaching and with the best formats for ordered merksamkeit. It is a lesson that changes the Orten of the Elbphilharmonie, the St. Pauli Kirche or one of a Schiff. Das Festival can no longer continue to organize art, music and literary exploration.

Herr Lux, the war was a Überraschung. Do you want to know your natural nature of the theater – who is your new job in the literature branch?

Joachim Lux: I am sadly and desperately asked by the bisherigen Machern and the Program Director Petra Bamberger. I have done a few things and had a great experience, and I have finally come to the conclusion: it can only be interesting.

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Joachim Lux, der Intendant of the Thalia Theaters, in Porträt. © photo alliance / dpa-Bildfunk

The ambitious Intendant of the Thalia Theaters, Joachim Lux, is now structuring the Harbor Front Literaturfestival in Hamburg. more

The Festival takes place in Diesem Jahr aus. The understanding for this Pause War: Man wants to do new work organizationally, personally and financially. Die Zeichen are also on Erneuerung. Where have you been since you qualified for your current position?

Luxury: Signs stand and stand for renewal. It is so that the theater is an umsetzung of literature. That is called, I have long been enriched with literature. The most likely man stood out, when a man came out of a Solche Betriebe-guckt. It is my core business, on the background of cars, stories and so on. The most important thing is that it is a natural mouse. If the punk is, it is a festival and one of the greater challenges is a festival feeling of vermitteln. That is why I have relatively much experience. The result of Punkt is that the performative form of the Literatur-Präsentation is in the form of a piece, that is with my own knowledge in the Theater area that is a bisschen was in motion and many Schauspielerinnen and Schauspieler kenne, die kommten for presentations in Frage.

What was my plan for the Harbour Front Festival?

Luxury: If it was once like that, there was a war or a war. It’s been 15 years since it became a clean, white one. It’s a festival that is its own cultural hat. It’s true that it doesn’t continue with the Axt and everything that’s new, in the Ruhe Angucken, where the Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten, but also Entwicklungsnotwendigkeiten are.

They couldn’t even save, would they otherwise be machen wollen?

Luxury: My secondary expertise is there, that I really know well with Theater auskenne. If it is good, if a festival organizes a festival, soda can do that. It is so that often another re-examination takes place. It is the worst solution. More attention is paid to the fact that this is the young literature that is worth a lot in total. Also the question, how good or how bad female literature is understood, is very serious. If he is within Setzungen, the man will pass his will.

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Thalia-Intendant Joachim Lux © photo alliance/dpa Photo: Marcus Brandt

From Morddrohungen bis Frauenquote: Lux looks at the intensity of his work – and speaks about the special work of art. more

Who sees what I come up with about weeks and months?

Luxury: I will be the Intendant of the Thalia Theatre until Summer 2025, and the first festival that I will be in charge of as an arts director will be in Autumn 2025. And I will be there.

Would you like to know more about Ihrer Arbeit im Thalia Theater?

Luxury: Actually, it is not that we in the industry are normally normal, if a man has a Wechsel-macht, ben Ort, a dem man geraad ist, die de kommenden vorpreitet. Normally you have to make the most popular Saison am Thalia Theater plans – davon bin ich frei. If you use a cleaning agent, it is intended that you damage these things.

The ELB.lit is a literature festival with a nice program, in Hamburg, in the Herbst. Eva Schuderer from the team of lit. COLOGNE and der ELB. lit as for the two festivals in the herb season in total. If you want to get started a few years later, who do you want with that competition?

Luxury: If it is not so, this is the Konkurrenz-gibt. The war of Anfang has become clear, while the Harbor Front Literature Festival has not started, it is now a year’s break. It is clear that this Festival has happened in Herbst 2025. If you want to react, it could not be better.

Gibt is a text or a substance, at the moment when you have pleasure, you think: Dammit could I live next year?

Luxury: Very good question. I was at the mercy of the giant format, it was a big challenge, but it was worth spending a long night, a great find. We did it like this. We made the play “Long Night of World Religions” in the Thalia Theater. Or as in the Burgtheater, where I was early, Raoul Schrott and two days of eight hours read. Other people can read “Ulysses” while they are all in their sleeping bags. So it was a good find.

The conversation leads Charlotte Oelschlegel.

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Joachim Lux enters the Malsaal of Thalia Theaters and gives an interview. © NDR Photo: Katja Weise

In the summer of 2025, the Hamburger Theater ended one day, when the Intendant was in Ruhestand after 16 years. more

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NDR Culture | News | 24.09.2024 | 17:30 Uhr

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