
Jugendparlament Güstrow never fell before

Jugendparlament Güstrow never fell before

While Güstrower put an end to the Youth Parliament in the course of the years 2024. The Youth Parliament will strongly influence the Municipal Policy for the Interest of Children and Youth in Güstrow and its Interests and Wishes.

Beirat from the Partner City

On October 2, the Güstrower Jugendparlament was founded with a friendly Jugendbeirat from the Partnerstadt Kronshagen in Schleswig-Holstein. “If the official office and the inhalation of Austausch contribute to the Güstrower Kunstnacht and the viewing of the Jugendclubs”, this is the Parliament.

Tags are that I am the German Einheit tag, when all the young people of the Jugenddisko are loaded into the student cellar. It is a karaoke event that takes place from 18 to 22.

Seminar for open presentation

A decision has been made on the Youth Parliament of a major campaign for the formulation of the declaration for. On October 19, there will be an open-air seminar. Check that the room has been cleaned. “We want to take public trips and then also strengthen our self-consciousness,” said the previous Ben Rädisch.

To the annual vote. Everyone can get the chance in the Youth Parliament to be a candidate candidate for a number of years. All youth in the city are entitled to their Stimmabgabe. “If you are interested, write to us in November as candidates in the selection list”, explains Ben Rädisch. The stimulation takes place in the debts of the Barlachstadt and there are a number of selection states, for the youth, who for the sake of example have an education.

Candidacy with desired theme

Der Beirat muss aus mindestens elf Mitgliedern bestehen. Aktuell since rund 25 Persons active in the Jugendparlament. If the Candidates have a theme, the Candidates will lie in the Verbesserung der Stadt for the Jugendlichen under the Herzen. “Einen details Ablauf der Wahl were known in Kürze“, thus of the Vorsitzende.

Actions are being taken and the parliamentary discussion is being organised by the Federal Programme “Leben Democratie”. The workshops and the campaign were supported by the initiative fund Kinder- en Jugendbeteiligung of the Landes MV.