
Sanitation of the “Schussen” at Hinteren Hafen

Sanitation of the “Schussen” at Hinteren Hafen

The Segel-Motorboot-Club Friedrichshafen (SMCF) will machen Tempo at the Sanierung seines Vereinsheims, the ehemaligen Bodensee-Fähre “Schussen” – and how the Woche a Bauantrag started here.

In August 2023, the Teile der “Schussen”, in itself the open restaurant “Grillhaus am See”, were found to be damaged by a fire. The SMCF will bring you the joy of living on the stage. Allerdings braucht der Verein hierfür feste Zusagen von der Besitzerin des Geländes, den Bodensee-Schiffsbetrieben (BSB).

“Grillhaus” in the non-company

Back view: A fryer was destroyed in a fire on August 13, 2023 at the installation in the earth’s quake of the “schussen”. It was likely that enormous damage was caused in the amount of a hundredth of a euro.

Archive image: That "Barbecue house on the lake" in the remote highway "to shake" hatred burned in August 2023.

Archive: The “Grillhaus am See” in the former Autofähre “Schussen” opened in August 2023. (Photo: Ah)

Since 1986 there has been talk of a vicious car industry by the SMCF. Man has informed and turned over Schiffdams “in scrap state”. “That is very much work to be done. Therefore the ‘Schussen’ had been brought to a higher emotional level, said Ralf Steck, chairman of the SMCF.

Insofern it is a wonder that the SMCF after the revered brand has everything, a “schussen” wieder on Vordermann to bring. If the barbecue house makes a “Note” for the “Grillhaus am See”, it can be better. In a Holzverschlag the man who has accommodated the kitchen – and the time spent in the summer, reports Vice President Eugen Gebhard.

So you will have to change your own “Schussen”.

Nun aber will der 300 Mitglieder starke Verein Ernst machen und die Sanierung in Angriff nehmen. “We have to have a larger wall, so everything is possible,” said Ralf Steck.

This visualization says it is so "to shake" by the Umbau changes soll.

This visualization said that the “schussen” would have to go through the Umbau-verändern. (Photo: SMCF)

In the center, it is one of the main reasons that Schiff does this. Darin, on the other hand, wants to accommodate an enlarged kitchen and barrier-free toilets. Let’s not forget that the dishes are not served. If one of the following water facilities is used, it may be that Ralf Steck is not used in the winter.

Secondly, the gas hall will be modernised and the terrace will be given a new shape – including a new, attractive ground cover. The upper deck will be glazed by the association. In general, a seat is available that is aware of the “historical substance” of the “shells”. For example, one of the elements of the treatise that were given a new shape, that they could have one of the consequences.

Project costs a lot of money

“Unser Ziel is es, dass wir die ‘Schussen’ voranbringen”, said Ralf Steck. And those are the only costs of the SMCF. Der Präsident right with Construction costs between 500,000 and 750,000 Euro. A project that does not generate votes for the entire association. “We are happy with our lives, our children will be happy – our financial order will be different,” said Eugen Gebhard.

Thank you for ending the Holz construction war in the ruins of Monaten "Not occupied" i am "Barbecue house on the lake" possible.

Thanks to the wood construction war in the past months a “Notbetrieb” in “Grillhaus am See” is possible. (Photo: Florian Peking)

It is no longer possible to make financial costs: The SMCF goes to the “Schussen” – the Grund, up to the BSB. Some of the results of the BSB and SMCF now go on for a year. If the remediation of the “Schussen” no longer works, the SMCF report will come out of a mental state within 15 years, says Ralf Steck.

A longer period in which the city was no longer interested, but was not clear, was the city with the hints that would be expected, reports Steck. The sanitation project for the area war in December 2023 will be. A month later the municipality decided that a “master plan” for the rear harbor was solved.

What the schedule looks like

“A problem is: We have no time,” said the SMCF chairman. A note made in the summer of 2024 has never happened more than a year ago.

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Deshalb must take the Sanierung-rasch über the stage – a liar-wolle man schon im kommenden Januar fangen, reports Ralf Steck. Dann was able to make the Umbau his Saisoneröffnung 2025 strong signal.

And both men from the SMCF-Vorstand can indulge themselves, this is so convenient. “All meanings, so BSB as in town, have a positive signal,” says Eugen Gebhard.