
Better chances for having fun at the Bürgerhospital

Better chances for having fun at the Bürgerhospital

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Better chances for having fun at the Bürgerhospital
Mattia’s Helena is driving the Concord Birth Trolly with a baby doll in front. © Rolf Oeser

The Frankfurter Bürgerhospital received modern treatment with the first versorgung of Frühchen spentendet.

A child in his or her situation is stabilized, whereby the nabelschnur within a minute passes and the nose is born in another raum. If you keep the Abnabelung-spätere, which in the last years of the year are busy, under the Frühchen Vorteile. The blood pressure is stable and the risks for the Hirnblutung-schwindet. This is only the beginning of the immune system. The civil hospital has undergone medical treatment, but there is an abnormal lighting.

With this so-called “Concord Birth Trolley” can be dismantled within 15 minutes. If the problem occurs when you use an arm of the device, you can start muttering and can be cared for first. The device has a monitoring, heat lamp and Atmungsgerät function. Thanks that the machine has received the star of a born child child in a period of 20 years.

Den Concord Geboorte Trolly was able to reward the hospital department of the civilian hospitals with an edition of the Dr. Christ’sche Stiftung and the Stiftung Friedrichsheim. At the official services of the service, the Stiftung Friedrichsheim is summoned by Stadtholder Ernst Gerhardt. Dem 103-Jährigen en der Stellvertreterin für die Dr. Christ’sche Stiftung, Cathrin Schleussner, wurden de Besonderheiten des Geräts vom Chefarzt der Neonatologie, Steffen Kunzmann, erläutert. “Nu lernt der Mansch von der Nature. These girls will run the Nabelschnur first after a second time,” said Kunzmann.

Birth assistance

The Birth Clinic the Bürgerhospitals in Frankfurt is the most common in Germany. More than 4000 children have lived here for the world.

A chance der Geburten sind Frühchen. Früh- und Mehrlingsgeburten are een Schwerpunkt van de Klinik.

For more security in the Schwangerschaft and at the Geburt zu ermöglichen, wurde 2019 umgebaut. The Geburtenstation, the Operations Räume and the Neonatology have their origins. This sorts for kürzere Wege. prth

It is possible that the child’s organism is made as simple as possible by connecting breast milk. In children or children weighing less than 1500 grams, the organ is no more necessary than the lungs. For an unproblematic problem, a good lungreife is important. If the lungs no longer open or pass, the man dies by hand. If the child is so uninterested that the child is resuscitated immediately, it becomes more difficult. If it is a note, soft drinks can be traded in the refrigerator and a profit can be made from the advance sale of the spätabnabelung. While the child and the family will use the Frühgeburt von Eltern, they will be used.

Since the child is not relatively new, the theoretical knowledge can now be used in practice. Heredity of other hospitals is the best time for the positive effects. In the coming months, the care and care in the health care and the health care of the civil hospitals would be entrusted with an amount of 65,000 euros, then Handgriff would be in a serious trap and a future better care can be provided. (Theresa Ross)

Steffen Kunzmann (l.) and Christoph Zweyrohn in conversation with Ernst Gerhardt (sitting).
Steffen Kunzmann (l.) and Christoph Zweyrohn in conversation with Ernst Gerhardt (sitting). © Bürgerziekenhuis