
Schmutzige tricks? Untersuchungsausschuss zum Rauswurf von Messari-Becker started |

Schmutzige tricks? Untersuchungsausschuss zum Rauswurf von Messari-Becker started |

Was the Gründe für de Rauswurf of Wirtschaftsstaatssekretärin Messari-Becker by SPD Minister Mansoori? Kam es zu schmutzigen Tricks? A subordinate sauce of the land tags has begun after the antworting.

Economic Minister Kaweh Mansoori (SPD), entlassene Staatssekretärin Lamia Messari-Becker

Economic Minister Kaweh Mansoori (SPD), entlassene Staatssekretärin Lamia Messari-Becker (parteilos)
Image © picture-alliance/dpa

Video contribution


03:32 Minute ||Hesse show

Untersuchungsausschuss Messari-Becker – unterblick

HS 24:09:2024

Image ©

End of video contributions

I have a Hessian Landtag that the service of the Untersuchungssausschuss zur Affäre is one of the federal state secretaries of Lamia Messari-Becker at the SPD-geführten Wirtschaftsministerium constituiert. Behind the scenes, the Gremium shifted the SPD-Abgeordneten Marius Weiß zum Vorsitzenden, with the Landtagsverwaltung miteilte.

There is a threat of the amtes, erklärte der 49-Jährige and fugte hint: “Den Untersuchungsauftrag nehme ich sehr severity.” There are indications for a scientific safeguard of history and the safest possible certainty. Gemäß dem Untersuchungsausschussgesetz hatte de black Regierung Anspruch auf de Besetzung des Postens. Stellvertretender Vorsitzender is Oliver Stirböck of the FDP.

The SPD politician does not know what the Ausschuss zum Hanau attention is, but it failed in the summer of the 1970s. Grund war a Penal Order, due to the fact that Urkundenfälschung verhängt was. Weiß hatte für seine Frau een parkausweis des Landtags gefälscht.

Green and FDP are the odd ones out

The parliamentary negotiation of the State Secretary of Finance has now brought the Monaten Amtszeit Grüne and FDP in the Landtag on the Road. The opposition faction will cause willen offensive fragments. I think everything is fine, if SPD Economic Minister Kaweh Mansoori vertzte the Bau-professorin in the einstweiligen Ruhestand at the end of July.

Mansoori says that Messari-Becker has used his own press, “never again will he receive any trouble”, or a bislang who has a Grund dafür anzugeben or Belege zu liefern. A Begründung is a right to nothing; a Hinweis on a settled trust relationship had directed. Criticisms that the SPD minister finds so unfair are Ruf der Professor.

In a Landtagsitzung Mansoori is one of the only consequences of the war that caused the war. His previous decree could have been passed from his memory. The minister has extended the fortification of the Sache. While the Greens and the FDP have not carried out this insertion, the einsetzung of the Ausschusses has continued.

Look at the Kultusminister in Blick

The Minister of Economic Affairs Messari-Becker wanted to impose a debt in another country on a child position as State Secretary of Finance for an acknowledgement of debt. Messari-Becker rejected the Vorwürfe back. Both were loaded with Gewissheit as Zeugen.

The opposition will find other people who will work with Messari-Becker in the Ministry. Part of the problem is that the Foreign Office has chosen a ministerial office for part of the taxable material. Among other people, the Minister of Economic Affairs and the CDU Cultural Minister Armin Schwarz were informed by parliament in the cases.

Wonder about personal

Bisher saw a man struck with a “Mauer des Schweigens”, complaining after the Konstituierung Kaya Kinkel, Obfrau der Grünen in Ausschuss. The culprit is that Messari-Becker hits a Rufmord.

The man of the SPD politicians has pursued a more democratic policy, like Kinkel. If you notice a problem: the perspective of the white hanging of Strafbefehls-wegen is the green and personal “verwondert”.

For the FDP Obmann Oliver Stirböck has the idea that he has worked in the Wirklichkeit Konflikken in the Economic Ministry “zwischen Frau Messari-Becker with his expertise on one page and Kaweh Mansoori and his Verbündeten on other pages”. The FDP is a smart and sensitive organization of the Frage located, “obvious tricks used”.

Wolfgang Türk

hr-varen, hessenschau,
