
UN Abschiedsrede von Biden: “I love my job, leave me in my country” | Politics

UN Abschiedsrede von Biden: “I love my job, leave me in my country” | Politics

It was a turn off from Joe Biden (81) at the World Library!

The US President has informed the 79th meeting of the UN General Assembly in New York headquarters and the Secretary of State around the world. If the final of the high signaler lasts longer than 50 years, the career lasts – with a focus on everything in political politics.

“That’s my last reason here,” began the 81-year anniversary nostalgically.

US President Joe Biden speaks ahead of the 79th United Nations General Assembly at UN Headquarters in New York on September 24

US President Joe Biden speaks ahead of the 79th United Nations General Assembly at UN Headquarters in New York on September 24

Photo: Caitlin Ochs/REUTERS

This is a long list of global developments:

► I Ukraine-Warmeint Biden, Russia has “lost the Waffengang in its own right”. Jetzt müsse der Kurs content was, as a “food fried” given. Biden has formed an international coalition, that Kreml-Despots Vladimir Putin (71) de Stirn bietet und Kiew massiv unterstützt.

But the stagnant Zermürbungskrieg will come to light. Political scientist Jonathan Cristol sees Biden’s Führungsrole “as a barrier against Russian aggression” positively. Aber: There are Waffenlieferungen and the Ukraine has been “presichtig” gewesen, so der Experte gegenüber BILD.

► Biden has the tragic Debakel here US flight out Afghanistan (13 dead US soldiers) to account for. There is talk of a “heart split”, America’s long-standing criticism has been.

The Biden administration failed, a large Evakuierung Afghanischer Verbündeter zu coordination – was Politologist Cristol “unverzeihlich” nennt.

Biden for “eine Zweistaatatenlösung”

► With a look at the Nahen East the announcement of Biden’s Hamas attack on October 7 Israel (1200 Tote, 250 Geiseln) as inconceivable Barbarei. However, one of the Schutz palästinensische Zivilists in Gaza is one. Because the Zukunft is a “eine Zweistaatnlösung” – also an Israeli and a Palestinian State, which does not exist otherwise.

Lebanon, Qliyaa: Smoke from heavy Israeli air raids is rising from the southern Lebanese village of Jabal al-Rihan. Heavy air raids have been reported over our part of the southern part of the world

Lebanon, Qliyaa: Smoke from heavy Israeli air raids is rising from the southern Lebanese village of Jabal al-Rihan. Heavy air raids have been reported over our part of the southern part of the world

Photo: Marwan Naamani/ZUMA Press Wire/d

► It is worth preventing all Kraft paper, so that the American president, of Iran Nuclear weapons produced. There is much criticism of the Mullahs.

► Biden has the Camping against the climate walk fast as Nebenthema.

► Ausführlicher sprach is dagegen über die Gefahren der Artistic intelligence. “Who can regulate the welfare?”, excerpt there. Be warned that despots cannot use the technology of the people used.

“I love my job, my country is more”

Biden started in January 2021 in the White House with the promise of a comeback of the US as a global Führungskraft. “America is safe”, it is clear. There is talk of “America-Suchest”-Präsidenten Donald Trump (78) a change of course.

When the world stands still for a moment, there’s a Pulverfass.

The democrat spoke at the end of the speech for the United Nations with a strong message of change: There is a patriotic motivation for a new candidate, so Biden: There will be no change, “so I love my job, I love my country more! “

It is wise if you get the force of the blow, schloss er.

“Who is drinking now?”Biden with new Peinlich-Patzer

Teaser image

Source: Reuters, @Potus, @Whitehouse