
Basketball EuroCup: Towers-Gegner gets on the HSV bus! | Sports mix

Basketball EuroCup: Towers-Gegner gets on the HSV bus! | Sports mix

Realitäts-Shock for the Veolia Towers Hamburg.

Nur 49.5 Stunden nach de Auftaktsieg in der Easycredit Basketball Bundesliga vs. Alba Berlin (97:80) cavity of the French Spitzen-Team JL Bourg-en-Bresse brutal zurück in the Realität. Zum Auftakt der nieuw EuroCup-Saison kassierten die Türme gegen de Titel-Favorieten van een Klatsche – 80:100 (40:64).

The war between Vice-Master of the NLB and EuroCup Vice-Master EVERYTHING was the match that the Hamburger had made at Jubel-Start in the Sonttag: A sold-out hall irritated only 1201 fans in the Inselpark. The Muden Towers feel the energy. You can play the ball 22 times. They were in the defensive helpless. Short: You have no chance.

After 101 Sekunden nahm Trainer Benka Barloschky (36) the first Auszeit. That’s 0:11 and the party war is practically clean…

Letzte Saison has won the Türme von 18 Spielen in de european wetbewerb nur zwei. One of the best Spieltags in Gruppe B is deutlich, who is the way to a European Spieltagsteam, nor ever. If the hamburger is served until it is finished, it is ready to be eaten.

You have to breathe new life into Bourg-en-Bresse after a Super-Saison! Prominent star Abgang: Zaccharie Risacher (19), the first player in the NBA-Draft of the Atlanta Hawks, has won the battle. Dennoch played his team from the 42,000-Einwohner-Städtchen in the Rhône-Alps in a different league than the Hamburger.

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Source: BILD/Instagram @angelreese5/BetOnline

Euro-Klatsche: Hamburg Towers vom HSV-Bus überfahren

Apropos other League: Bourg-en-Bresse hatte für Fahrt von ihrem Team-Hotel zur Halle das Bus-Unternehmen des HSV building, rolled in the Luxus-Kutsche der Frauen-Mannschaft (2. Liga) in Inselpark for – and überfuhr in Anschluss die Towers!

Best Hamburger Werfer in the Trauer-Spiel war Keondre Kennedy (24) with 17 Punkten.

Leichter goes for the Towers in the BBL niece. It was time for a Sunday afternoon at Double-Sieger FC Bayern (15 p.m., Dyn).

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Photo: BILD