
From KI, exclusive apple varieties and contemporary food displays

From KI, exclusive apple varieties and contemporary food displays

The award will be won by the “ECR Tag” at the September 24 party in the three categories “ECR Collaboration Excellence”, “ECR Innovation Excellence” and “ECR Sustainability Excellence”. The separated is the Vorbild character of an unternehmensübergreifende Zusammenarbeit and optimal Wertschöpfung, wie GS1 Germany weiter miteilt.

ECR Collaboration Excellence Award: Exclusive Apfelsorte with Marketing Concept

In 2024, the ECR Award in the Category Collaboration Excellence is a project of Aldi Süd, the Züchtungsinitiative Niederelbe (ZIN) of the Hochschule Osnabrück and etwa 170 involved Lieferanten and Erzeugern. The partner has an exclusive Apfelsorte from Aldi Süd ein. In the Elbmarsch in the Alten Land, the big sister trades Obstanbaugebiet Nordeuropas started the strategic Zusammenarbeit for four years.

By the time one of the best polling stations on the Premium market “ALDIamo” has developed the project, more hunterttausende Bäume have been planted and jointly established sämtliche Ernte- and Verkaufsziele in a market development concept with guaranteed Abnahmemengen festgelet. I started in 2023 with the Mark in the Aldi South branches. The jury judges the risk-limiting company that has rejected the art of the purchasing operation, but it is in the second half of the time.

ECR Innovation Excellence Award: KI-generierte Produktinfos

The Award in the Innovation Excellence category was given to a project by Markant and Mondelēz International. The team of specialists, researchers and IT experts for master data, e-commerce and marketing developed a prototype that contains channel and soul group specific products that can be put together by generative intelligence.

The “Product Wizard” is used for the text that is free of data from the data pool, images and quality features. During the fort-running training, the products generated by AI are used regularly and a continuous report is always produced, so that the jury “of the people” makes a profit for a long time.

ECR Sustainability Excellence Award: Permanent customer displays

The Award in the category Sustainability Excellence was awarded to a project by the Drogeriemarktkette Dirk Rossmann participating in the Unternehmen Beiersdorf, Procter & Gamble Service and Unilever Deutschland. Soul wars, herkömmliche Papp-Displays are set. The partner has a permanent display of a wiederverwendable. The modular display is better integrated and optimized in the transport logistics at clean sources, it is in the Mitteilung.

The core of the projects is an efficient solution for packaging trays. Suppliers of the drugstores also benefit from the standard units. Up to 75 percent of transport and 40 percent of material consumption can be reduced by the partner.

With the Award marked GS1 Germany in cooperation with PwC and strategy, and the über zwei year, a number of other collaborative projects have ended, in the case of the project partner for process optimization within the business world. VerkehrsRundschau Editor Eva Hassa was part of the jury for the Award 2024.