
GZSZ: New Liebe for Serien-Star Anne Menden! | Unterhaltung

GZSZ: New Liebe for Serien-Star Anne Menden! | Unterhaltung

The boys have an ending! GZSZ-Switch player Anne Menden (38) and the evil “bachelor” candidate Gustav Masurek (35) have found their best job in social media. Both are servants of the romantic Instagram accounts, but it seems that Anne is a new partner in the fight.

Both write: “My peace, my happiness” – “mein Frieden, mein Glück”.

Come in my...! In a Social Media Post, Anne Menden emerged from her new life in the army

Come on meine…! In an Instagram Beitrag, Anne jumps into Menden’s arms

Photo: gustavma4/Instagram

Anne released another video, while they are both standing on the beach, how they are enjoying each other more.

Anne and Gustav were busy on the beach

Anne and Gustav were busy on the beach

Photo: gustavma4/Instagram

Gustav knows his GZSZ-Kosmos well

The role-playing actress and the reality TV stories will last longer, but will be commented on by Annes GZSZ College Felix von Jascheroff (42) reform. Der schreibt augenzwinkernd zum Liebes-Outing: „Man man man, wieviele Tage, Monate, Jahre mustste ich ruhig sein … It was true in time.”

Gustav Masurek himself knew that he was in the GZSZ-Kosmos. Postetee is more photos from the production of the series. BILD weiß: There is a job in time in Empfang. The perfect decision for Anne Menden is a 20-year anniversary at the “Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten” feiert.

A friend of the reality candidates from BILD: ‘Gustav is the one who nobody wants, is in his Ruhepol in life, because he is a lie, is the trust of the team, and now there is no genius who earns his just reward – and that is the first of the Anfang. “

In the remarks Felix von Jascheroff made for the Pair

In the comments that GZSZ Star Felix von Jascheroff makes for the Couple

Photo: gustavma4/Instagram

Who’s the new one?

Gustav Masurek, known during the Seine Teilnahme at “The Bachelorette”it is not that you can make one or more official purchases. In the Instagram story it is described: “You ask me everything, with whom I am together. That is my new friend …”, which is a humorous expression on Flamingo said.

Aber also has a romantic atmosphere of themselves and Anne am Strand and writes: “Workers, we have other Urlaub machen. (…) Modeln, Sonne und pure Leidenschaft – ich liebe meinen Job.” A German Anspielung auf seine neue Liebe.

You can find this position on Instagram

Um mit Inhalten aus Instagram und oth er socialen Netzwerken are interactive or diese darzustellen, brauchen with deine Zustimmung.

Before his engagement with Anne Menden, Gustav and Karina Wagner (27) were together. The two met on the TV show “Bachelor in Paradise” and were a couple for a long time before they left.